Hi, my / partition became full and my /home had plenty of space so I created another partition intending to move all of my /usr files over from the / directory to make more room.
I use the suse 11 partitioning tool to do this and told it to mount the new partition as /usr. This happened, but I assumed that I would be able to move all the files and reboot. Trouble is as soon as I partitioned the disk it mounted it immediately and now my system does not work as all the /usr files are not accessible.
What is the best way to fix this.
Please understand that I am a newbie at this stuff. Thanks for any adice.
Boot into the rescue system and from the CLI mount the partition containing /etc, would normally be your / mount, then edit /etc/fstab in that partition to change the mount point of the new partition to say /newusr. Then reboot, and it’s back to normal, and you can copy the files from /usr over to /newusr before changing the mount point. Something like this:
mount /dev/sda? /mnt
edit /mnt/etc/fstab
mkdir /mnt/newusr
where ? is your root partition.
Thanks for the propmt reply, I will give it a try.