Partition and 2000?

So, how would i go about partitioning my SuSE machine, in the event that i decide to? i’m vaguely considering getting it dualbooting SuSE and Windows 2000 Pro, but last time i screwed with a partition editor i ended up giving my SuSE machine it’s nickname of Zombie when i ended up whacking either my XP installation or the MBR (well, i whacked something: Both Windows XP, the recovery partition and safe mode were rendered unbootable)…

You are refering to the second machine in your sig - yes?

SUSE is already installed? And you would want to put win2k on it?

Have a look at John’s page here:
GRUB Boot Multiboot openSUSE Windows (2000, XP, Vista) using the Grub bootloader.
I would bookmark it if I were you

Reasons for installing win2k - for me would affect my install choice. Most likely method for me would be in Virtual Box. Let me correct that, the only choice for me would be Virtual Box.

fdisk -l

would help us see your current partition setup

Well, it’s just sort of a screwing around computer (as well as a linux machine). i’m not sure i want to do it just yet.