Panasonic KX-MB2000 printer refuses to print

I bought a new printer and it works great. However, I can’t get it to print anything with openSUSE 11.3. I’ve tried multiple ways to get it to print, but it refuses to. The print status states that it is attempting to print, but nothing physical happens.

I found these drivers for the printer here: Download for PC interface software | Consumer FAX | Home Communication | Consumer Products | Support | Panasonic Global

Albeit packaged for RedHat, they seem to install fine and Yast was able to find the printer and its respective .ppd file easily. I’ve tried adding the printer via CUPS and Yast (both of which seem to be the same thing) and no luck. Can someone help me out?

You’d like to look at my blog, in Spanish but I think it is easy to understand with a translator, because the important part are the steps: El blog de Dark Schneider: Panasonic MFS (Multi-Function-Station) en OpenSUSE

On 05/01/2013 01:56 PM, darkschneider wrote:
> You’d like to look at my blog, in Spanish

the question was asked, and unanswered almost THREE years ago…if
the asker never came back to ask again . . .


Right, I noticed that, but as I had the same situation and after much searching I only found this about Panasonic MFS and SUSE, so I finally solved it by my own and want to give the solution to openSUSE community. Maybe it would be better to put the answer in the wiki documentation or its corresponding place, but I don’t know where exactly.

On 05/01/2013 03:46 PM, darkschneider wrote:
> so I finally
> solved it by my own and want to give the solution to openSUSE community.

GOOD idea!! thank you…so, now when folks google in there is an
answer!!! great.


It is the 1st result :wink:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45960087,d.d2k&fp=514987e6036c7229&biw=1440&bih=900,or.r_qf.&cad=b

If a moderator could change the title with [SOLVED] tag it would be better, because the user may no longer be around these domains.