This is only vaguely login relates so apologies in advance
Some applications like cheese and totem seem to want to talk to /dev/nvidiactl.
On a machine with local users the users are in the video group by default so these apps
work. On a machine where the users authenticated via LDAP they are not members of the
local video group so they can’t access this and the apps crash
Some reading led me to believe that was the answer. The idiots guide that I
followed said
add ‘auth optional’ to /etc/pam.d/gdm and /etc/pam.d/login
and add a line
gdm; *; *; Al0000-2400; video to /etc/security/group.conf
The end result was suppose to be anyone that logged in OK would get added to the local video group
However it doesn’t work - have I done something wrong or am I barking up entirely the wrong tree