I’m new to opensuse, just installed 11.2 and added the packman repository to the software repositories list, and now when i open the yast software manager there are about a dozen selected packages to install, mostly related to multimedia like ffmpeg ,faac,faad and python-beanutils. :
I didn’t want that, why does it happen? and how can i disable it?
When you run Software Management, it is showing you that updated version(s) of your media files are present from the Packman repository. Since you added Packman to your Software Repositories, it is going to offer the updated files when you run Software Management. Packman provides media programs that allow the use of most all media types, many of which are not present in the default openSUSE load, like the ability to play MP3 files. I suggest you accept and load the updates as shown. If you do not want to be bothered by file updates from Packman, go back to the Software Repositories section, highlight packman and uncheck the enabled option at the bottom left of the main page.
Thank You,
Ok, Thanks. I did disable it eventually.
out of curiosity, those packages are not installed and lets say I don’t want them, why should it suggest them? and how can it do that? is it just the packman repo that’s doing that? is there any public documentation about this subject?
Thanks a lot.
When you add a repository to Software Management, it will always suggest updating any application you have installed when a newer version exists. Most everyone here suggests that after you use a repository listing to get what you want, you should disable it until you need something else from there. You should leave the four original repositories enabled, added by openSUSE during the first installation. This helps prevent application conflicts and unintended updates you did not want to get. This is particularly true when you get everything working as you want, any future updates might make a problem for you later.
Thank You,
I would suggest that you install the packmam packages. What is happening is that one or more of the packages from your opensuse install has an updated version available from the packman website.
The opensuse media packages have limited capabilities due to patent issues. The packman versions do not - with the other linked packages (ffmpeg etc) being required to provide the full funtionality.
These are the BIG FOUR
1.Updates For openSUSE 11.2-0
This is best for someone who is new to OpenSuSe.
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