Packman repo not available for some days

Doing on-line updates to 42.1 after a recent install (from 13.2) I always get:

There was an error in the repository initialization.
SKIP request: User-requested skipping of a file

Other repos seem to be updating OK. Is Packman off line?

While looking for anomolies, found two entries in the repo list in Yast for the …/oss repo; one with and one without a trailing slash. Is there a preference for one of them? Any conflict if both are active? I can’t select, copy, paste from the repos list, which would be handy here.

Use a different mirror;

The one with the trailing / should be used.

Thank you, Malcolm. Followed your link, and then several steps from there to:

Index of /packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_42.1

The repo manager of Yast seems to accept this URL. All seems good for now.