
Hi there
Im kind a new to open suse, though I think its a very nice alternative to the ordinary Linux distroes.

Recently I tried to make a distro for my laptop in the living room, -the only thing its supposed to do is play music, and be able to connect to the internet from time to time.

However, I must have forgotten some packages or something, cause when I booted the engine after installing,-(wich btw went smooth:-)) -I cannot play any music, -getting some fail message. -Now i´VE installed all the g-streamer packages and the totem player, what else do I need ???. -Have been looking through the packages, but I dont seem to find any other packages related that i think i shound use… -plz help

Other than this it seems as it works like a charm.

The exact error message would be interesting.

This might do the trick already, though.

hmm you got a point there.

Altough all it says is;

An error accured
The player cannot open the cd.

And I know by a fact that the cd works fine.

-just thaugt that if you guys might know what exactly to install it would be easier just to start over and make a new distro from scratch :slight_smile:

Ups forget the last message hehe

Here is the actual error message;

“An error occured”
-No Url Handler implemented for “cdda”.

-The laptop is currently not connected to the internet -could that be the problem?

It could be!

I’m not quite sure right now what the actual problem is, but before proceeding you should take a closer look at the link in my first post. This will set up general multimedia-functions for SuSE.

Okay thanks anyways

Could it be if the player cannot find any codec that fits the format perhaps?? -I mean if the system tries to browse the net for a codec but it cannot because it isnt present anymore??

Just sounds vierd, when I included all the codec packages I could get for the totem player.

-But its always nice to get a reply
so thx

I have tried the link, I cant get the file to run.

But I seem to have found my problem, -it seems that my sound system doesnt work after installing Suse.

I´ve browsed the Yast and all the other places to find a place where I might be able to switch it on or install some sort of driver but doesnt seem to be able to find anything.

Apon starting the Sound perferenses the only message I get is -“waiting for sound system to respond” and then nothing happens at all.

I have tried the link, I cant get the file to run.

Could you be more specific on that? It could point us to the actual problem (or at least a part of it) - for now your description of the symptoms rather confuse me than provide any hints.

Does any sound work (systemsounds etc.)? If not, than this is obviously not a codec-problem.

Please be more specific on the other parameters too - what kind of audiofiles does the CD contain? Which player do you use (tried any alternatives?)? What soundcard do you use? Does YaST recognize any audio-device?

And when posting system messages, do post them word by word, kay?