Was niet uit ongeduld hoor.
Ik was gewoon verschillende programma’s aan het proberen te installeren (en dat is goed gefaald).
Ik zal ze vanaf nu 1 voor 1 proberen te installeren, te beginnen bij Genesis
Die readme van “Genesis” zegt nochtans wel dat je met terminal moet installeren.
Dit zegt de readme:
cd <install_directory>
tar xzf genesis-2.3-<os>-bin.tar.gz
cd genesis-2.3/genesis
cp .simrc ~
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/genesis-2.3/genesis # use ‘set’ for csh
If it didn't work, you'll have to read on...
Uitgebreidere uitleg van de readme:
3.1 Unpacking
Pick the place where you want to install the “genesis” directory tree.
If you are making a system-wide installation as “root” user, /usr/local is a
good choice. For a personal installation, without root privileges, you can use
your home directory (“~”). Change to this directory and extract the genesis
directory from the archive file, e.g. genesis-2.3-linux-bin.tar.gz. For
cd /usr/local
tar xvzf /mnt/cdrom/genesis-2.3-linux-bin.tar.gz
or from wherever you have it (e.g.~/downloads/genesis-2.3-linux-bin.tar.gz)
3.2 Site-specific Setup
A small setup script should be run to create a GENESIS initialization file
(.simrc) which is modified to reflect your installation directory.
cd genesis-2.3/genesis
Then copy the resulting .simrc to your home directory.
cp .simrc ~
3.3 Environment Variables
Finally, add the genesis directory to your search path, so that “genesis”
can be found from any directory. If your login shell is bash, do this by
editing the .bashrc file in your home directory. For example, if you have
installed genesis in /usr/local, add this line:
If you are using tcsh or csh as your command shell, add
set path=($path /usr/local/genesis-2.3/genesis)
to your .tcsh or .csh file.
3.4 Running GENESIS
At this point, you are ready to try running GENESIS. Change into the
directory genesis/Scripts and try some of the tutorials suggested in
the README file.
If you have any trouble with the installation or execution of GENESIS, read
the OS-specific notes below. If you still can’t get it to work, please try
downloading and installing the source distribution.
Dit heb ik geprobeerd in de terminal, bij de uitleg in quick start:
tv@linux-s86n:~> cd /usr/local
tv@linux-s86n:/usr/local> tar xzf genesis-2.3-Linux-bin.tar.gz
tar (child): genesis-2.3-Linux-bin.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
dit geprobeerd bij de uitgebreidere uitleg
cd /usr/local
tar xzf ~/downloads/genesis-2.3-Linux-bin.tar.gz
Dan krijg ik een stuk of 1000 foutmeldingen, die eruitzien zoals deze:
tar: genesis-2.3: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: genesis-2.3/genesis/Scripts/purkinje/library: Cannot mkdir: No such file or directory
tar: genesis-2.3: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: genesis-2.3/genesis/Scripts/purkinje/library/cells: Cannot mkdir: No such file or directory
tar: genesis-2.3: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: genesis-2.3/genesis/Scripts/purkinje/library/cells/example: Cannot mkdir: No such file or directory
tar: genesis-2.3: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: genesis-2.3/genesis/Scripts/purkinje/library/cells/example/example.p: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: genesis-2.3: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: genesis-2.3/genesis/Scripts/purkinje/library/cells/example/example.p.config: Cannot open: No such file or directory
Kzit op Opensuse 12.2 en KDE.