[PackageKit] Unable to download files

Is there any way to omit file downloading in PackageKit meson build system? I see, I can disable manual pages, but I not sure it’s good. And also, on OBS packages with PackageKit does not disables downloading manual pages.

Maybe can I download files manually and put it somewhere?
I known, I have many questions, but I still learning, how to package software.

I tried something like -Dlocal_checkout=false, but this do not help.

I use ‘osc get <foo>’ in a script to download files into a local plain rpm directory for install/update…

Maybe I misunderstand, but when reading https://www.mankier.com/1/osc , I found osc getbinaries (there is no get), downloads package. I need to download normal files from other domain than maintaining by SUSE/OpenSUSE Team.

May be. Start with showing what files it downloads.

I known, I have many questions, but I still learning, how to package software.

PackageKit is already packaged. Any reason you do not start with existing package?

First reason is to learn.

Second reason is there was some dnf (fedora) related stuff and applying patches, etc.

But, as I remember, the most important reason is I can not download from web page (OBS) package file (archive with sources). Text representing sources was grayed, so it is not link (anchor). I need to download archive to put there file, which will be normally downloaded. Also, is there any reason to use existing package kit sources, if I provide my own changes?

Usual practice is to provide patches on top of original sources. This makes it obvious what you changed and also does not require replacing the whole source archive when you just changed a single line somewhere.

The remainder of your post I cannot parse at all.

Ok. I will prepare patch to apply at top of original sources and try to use other PackageKit package. Maybe everything would work.