Package Search Wierdness

I use opensuse Package Search when I can’t find something I need in my current repos.

I am attempting to install support for OneWire File System on my 13.1/KDE 4.14.0 system, using Firefox 31.1.0

I opened Package Search and entered ‘owfs’ and see two results, both …src.rpms.
But if I enter ‘owfs-’ in the search box, I see 15 installable .rpms (in both 32 bit and 64 bit flavors).

This doesn’t feel right, I would expect the ‘owfs’ search to find all 17 items.

Am I missing something, or does this sound like a search bug?

If bug, use Bugzilla for this sort of issue?

Hm, when I search for ‘ows’, I get “owfs … Show 10 Sub-Packages”. When I click that , I get a list: fs, ftpd, httpd … tcl. (I also get python-owfs btw so two items in total).
And this is the same as I get using your link.

When I search for ‘ows-’, I get those 10 items directly.

Very different from what you report.

Or do I misunderstand you completely?

Oops, missed the 10 sub-packages expansion.

You understand accurately.

All set, thanks