Owncloud php7-mcrypct package

Hello Friends!
How are you?

I want to install ownlcoud server on Openuse 15 (leap) but, is need to install php7-mcrypt package to right configuration about service.
Inside Yast2 has not this package.
I do not install opensuse 42.3 that have the package because the lifetime opensuse 42.3 is until January 2019.
I did see ubuntu has these all php7 package to work
But, I prefer Opensuse as server

What is your options?

Thanks attention and help

Use this link to search for the missing php7 package Search. FWIW: I’d go for Nextcloud instead, IMO they’re far ahead with their development, and the apps available. FWIW2: I’ve got a Nextcloud instance up and running for a couple of years now, don’t have php7-mcrypt installed, and you shouldn’t need it. IIRC it’s deprecated.

Yeahh, thanks
I will see it then and test!

Thank you so much

I think is not possible to install on Opensuse Leap 15:

Look at:

List only 42.2 and 42.3 and yes need php7-mcrypt how it show on:
Install from Source

zypper in apache2 mariadb apache2-mod_php7 php7-gd php7-json php7-fpm php7-mysql php7-curl php7-intl **php7-mcrypt **
php7-zip php7-mbstring php7-zlib php7-openssl php7-fileinfo php7-pcntl php7-posix

I do not understand why does not let the package inside Leap 15?

Thank you

I run Nextcloud from their .zip, instead of the openSUSE package, mainly because the updater will work perfectly. It’s not hard to get it working that way. Nc have good docs, and I could easily guide you through the process. I assume you have a LAMP server up and running, are familiar with creating a database, the rest is peanuts. And I’m one of the last people on earth calling something peanuts :D. Just start a new thread if you don’t manage

EDIT: FWIW: I’ve got it up and running on a VPS, and have Collabora Online working, Talk and many other nice apps for Nc. In fact, even my Android phone hardly uses Google’s services anymore.

Reading “Google” I found the link from package:

I did install it and start create Database and tomorrow I will continue…maybe!
You tell me that you run from zip and the update is better.

Please, Can you give an option about my scenario that is:

Today we have an Openmediavault (OMV) NAS. It works fine about 3 years. There are many users that use it all days. It is cool, ok!
But, we have others sectors/offices out from Build and know Owncloud or Nextcloud services, I think the users can use much more App, more quality, more options, share options and “fun”. Not only NAS. I think that Nextcloud can be a good Idea and “upgrade”

And no, I have no experience with mysql database and Lamp. I am follow docs, tutorials and forums to install and config and manage/backup/restore and all. This part is hard but, go ahead.

Thank your attention and help.

Am Tue, 19 Jun 2018 19:16:03 +0000 schrieb doguibnu:

> Knurpht;2870397 Wrote:
>> Use this link to search for the missing php7 package
>> https://software.opensuse.org/search. FWIW: I’d go for Nextcloud
>> instead, IMO they’re far ahead with their development, and the apps
>> available. FWIW2: I’ve got a Nextcloud instance up and running for a
>> couple of years now, don’t have php7-mcrypt installed, and you
>> shouldn’t need it. IIRC it’s deprecated.
> I think is not possible to install on Opensuse Leap 15:

Why not?

Nextcloud is in offiziell repos for Leap 15.

> Look at:
> https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Nextcloud
This is to old something.


Sorry for answer too late.
Eric thanks a lot. I did find the link and procedure to install and config Nextcloud. I did start. I do not finish because there are other things to solve at work

Thanks for all at moment