Outside window strating programs after enabling compiz

Yesterday I have successfully (at last :slight_smile: ) installed compiz from 1-click install.

But now I have strange problem:
Most programs (Firefox, Yast, VLC etc) works fine, but some programs like Dolphin or systemsettings opens at negative top position and I canā€™t get them back :frowning:

E.g. Dolphin has about -50px top offset (top left corner is at (0,-50) point). This means that whole title bar, ā€œmenu line (File edit etc)ā€, and half of ā€œbackā€ ā€œforwardā€ ā€œupā€ | ā€œIconā€ ā€œDetailsā€ etc icons are croped

Well screen shot may be more simple tu understand http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=5eu74k&s=5
this is FULL screen sreen-shot, as you see there some part of window is missing.

Still hot corners works well, most other programs too, resolution (1280x800) is set correctly.
Looks like that those programs is trying to open at previous position, but position is very incorrect!

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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missing screen-shot

Try pressing alt-left mouse click to move the window