OSZ 13.2 - phpmyadmin - controluser access

On a multiple instance config, the pma tables (database phpmyadmin) are installed in the first mysql instance.
There is no .htaccess

All commands are done from the server.
The server is dhcp and dns server for local subnet using dnsmasq

From command line the pma controller user can connect using this command by giving the pma_controller_password

mysql -t --socket=/path_to_mysql_sock/mysql.sock -u pma_controller -p -h localhost phpmyadmin

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 19
Server version: 10.0.13-MariaDB-log openSUSE package
Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, SkySQL Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [phpmyadmin]> 

But the pma controller user cannot connect to the pma database within phpmyadmin if phpmyadmin is started from localhost


In that case after choosing the 1st mysql instance and giving some_user/some_pasword, phpmyadmin open normally but give an error for accessing pma tables by the pma controller user

Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.

see : http://paste.opensuse.org/51279957

But from command line the pma controller user cannot connect using this command

mysql -t --socket=/path_to_mysql_sock/mysql.sock -u pma_controller -p -h  phpmyadmin

But there is no erropr when starting phpmyadmin from

In that case after choosing the 1st mysql instance and giving some_user/some_pasword, phpmyadmin open normally and give no error for accessing pma tables by the pma controller user

All this from root account.
From a standard user account

mysql -t --socket=/path_to_mysql_sock/mysql.sock -u pma_controller -p -h localhost phpmyadmin

Connexion success (as above)

mysql -t --socket=/path_to_mysql_sock/mysql.sock -u pma_controller -p -h phpmyadmin

Connexion failed (as above)


Error as above

**Failed contrary to above.

$cfg’Servers’]$i]‘host’] = ‘localhost’ or ?

hostname -f return :


Here is php config file : http://http://paste.opensuse.org/15071325
Here host file : http://paste.opensuse.org/3036838

Any help is welcome.

The only thing I can think of at the moment is that you might have an error in your nameserver cache (ie localhost entry resolving incorrectly).

Try the following which stops/restarts the name server cache daemon which should clear your existing cache allowing it to re-build

systemctl restart nscd