OS11 doenst mount USB-memory

In OS10.3 i had no problem using USB Flash-memory, but in OS11 it doesnt mount USB-memory.
First of all the device seems randomly.

I plug in å USB-memory and it comes up as /dev/sdd1
If i try to open it, it says;
“Cannot obtain lock on /media/.hal-mtab”

This happens also if am logged in as root.
If i open a terminal-window and enter “mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt”, then it works.

Is this a bug in OS11?

No, there is no bug regarding this. Because USB-memory mounts automatically in my system. Check the /media/.hal-mtab-lock file.

This file exist in /media, but its empty.
Not even a external harddrive will mount as normal. I have to mount it manual in terminal as root.

Sometimes i got mesg: You don’t have permision

What can be wrong?


I read that many have problems with mounting USB-disk and USB-flash memorys. They experience same issues as i.
It seems that this is something many others also experiences and that can be there is some sort of bug.

I have i feeling that this happes just after i connectet a USB-HD with NTFS and i used ntfsconf. Maybe ntfsconf did somthing that messed up automounting.


That may be a reason, bugs may exist for NTFS. Because all fine working usb drives i’m talking about are FAT32 (except one, my friends 200Gb external USB h/d which has FS NTFS). Check the permission of .hal-mtab.