I just performed the newest kernel update to version (desktop). Unfortunately, there is no update for the compat-wireless package available. It’s still the version for kernel Hence, my wireless is currently not working and I had to pull a cable through my apartment to write these lines. I actually thought due to the change of the very last digit in the kernel version that this should be a rather safe update. But I also had to recompile the modules of the NVidia driver and of Virtualbox. Does anyone has an idea when new compat-wireless modules will be available? Or do I have to re-compile them myself (I never had to do that before and I really hope that I don’t have to)? Or is there a trick to make the old modules work?
Rolling back the kernel may be the most simple thing to do as noted by caf4926.
Still, if one has the .src file (lets say you download it from another PC and copy it to your GNU/Linux PC hard drive via a USB stick, or you download it direct to your hard drive via a wired connection), then rebuilding the driver is not always difficult. To rebuild the obtained .src file (lets say you find it and note it is compat-wireless- … I don’t know if that is the version … this is just an example) you will need kernel-source (of the new kernel), kernel-syms, gcc and make installed.
Then for this example, to rebuild you would type as a regular user:
and then pay attention to the error messages. It will likely tell you that you are missing some applications to rebuild the driver. No worries !! With root permissions, just install the applications that you are missing. Although again, you may need to copy the missing files over via a USB stick (unless you have a wired connection also in which case it is easy to install the missing files).
Then, after those are installed, again type as a regular user:
For the moment I did the most simple thing: I rolled back to the previous kernel version. I knew how to do that. Nevertheless, many thanks for the instructions, caf4926.
Regarding the recompilation of the wireless drivers, I actually started wondering if I shouldn’t try something more daring My wireless card is a PCI card with rt2860 chip. The rt2800pci module from compat-wireless works pretty well with it, a lot better than the rt2860sta drivers from the kernel. Unfortunately the rt2800pci module is not part of the normal opensuse kernels because some people had problems with it in the past. But I could re-compile the kernel… It’s more than a decade ago that I did this, but I hope it has not become more complicated. I will let you know my decision.
Just rebuild the driver. The rpm command I gave will actually recomplie the driver, using the exact same settings (from the .src’s spec file) that the packager who 1st built the driver used. And that command will prompt one to install what ever is missing to rebuild the driver.
Now this does not work all the time, but I’ve used it over 100 times, with a success rate probably around 70% or 80%.
Ah, yes, you are right. I do not have to rebuilt the whole kernel. Just some modules. I think I feel adventurous today and I will try to built the rt2800pci module coming with the kernel sources.
On 08/03/2011 10:46 AM, frank from ch wrote:
> Ah, yes, you are right. I do not have to rebuilt the whole kernel. Just
> some modules. I think I feel adventurous today and I will try to built
> the rt2800pci module coming with the kernel sources.
That one might not work as well as the ccompat-wireless version. If not, either
build c-w from source, or install the 3.0 kernel.
There is more than one way to install the most recent kernel. One of those way is to compile your own. Download the very latest stable kernel 3.0 from here:
Do read through the blog but the process is simple enough. If at all possible, I would do a hard wired network connection to ensure you can get all of the files you need.
@ lwfinger: I am aware that the compat-wireless package is more advanced. But here are my findings with the rt2800pci from the kernel sources:
Since I rolled back to and was too lazy to upgrade again to I made my tests with kernel version I recompiled the rt2x00 modules, copied the newly built rt2800pci.ko to /lib/modules/ and deinstalled compat-wireless. Using rmmod I removed all running modules that are required for my wireless, i.e. rt2800pci, rt2800lib, rt2x00pci, rt2x00lib, mac80211, and may be some others. At last I did modprobe rt2800pci and now my wireless is running again. Until now I cannot see any changes. That means for me the module which is part of the kernel sources seems to work fine. I guess later this day I will redo the same steps for the new kernel. And I would like to vote again for including rt2800pci into the official opensuse kernels. But as you know, lwfinger, this has been discussed already Unfortunately, even for the factory kernel it has not yet happened.
O.k. updated again to Copied the module rt2800pci.ko which I compiled for the previous kernel to /lib/module/ and it works. Now I wonder if the same might have worked with the modules from compat-wireless? May it be, that they should have been automatically reused after the kernel upgrade?
On 08/04/2011 04:56 AM, frank from ch wrote:
> O.k. updated again to Copied the module rt2800pci.ko which
> I compiled for the previous kernel to /lib/module/
> and it works. Now I wonder if the same might have worked with the
> modules from compat-wireless? May it be, that they should have been
> automatically reused after the kernel upgrade?
Perhaps but unlikely. ALL modules MUST be compiled against the headers for the
running kernel. This policy has been in effect since kernel 2.6.0. The policy
was different for 2.4 kernels, but there were too many problems with trying to
run old modules with a new kernel. The modules will work if the headers did not
change, but you cannot count on that. It is always safe to recompile.
BTW, drivers rt2860sta and rt2870sta are no longer present in kernel 3.0. In
openSUSE 12.1, rt2800pci and rt2800usb will be the only driver for those Ralink
Regarding the reuse of modules, I was just wondering since the kernel version changed only at its sixth digit. I always thought these digits are just for ridiculously simple changes and important changes should have changed the fourth digit.
On 08/04/2011 11:16 AM, frank from ch wrote:
> I know that in kernel 3.0 the Ralink staging drivers are gone. But I
> hope someone will enable rt2800pci before release of 12.1. You might
> remember this discussion:
> ‘opensuse 11.4 module rt2800pci missing’ (http://tinyurl.com/6ad2z94)
> and this bug:
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=691073
I just sent Email to the opensuse-kernel ML notifying them that as of 12.1 MS3
the RT2800 devices are misconfigured. That should get it changed. If not, I will
update the bug report.
> Regarding the reuse of modules, I was just wondering since the kernel
> version changed only at its sixth digit. I always thought these digits
> are just for ridiculously simple changes and important changes should
> have changed the fourth digit.
You are probably right and it doesn’t hurt to try copying the module from one
kernel to another. The worst case is that it won’t load.
On 08/04/2011 02:56 PM, frank from ch wrote:
> If you manage to get rt2800pci correctly configured for 12.1 I will
> drink a bottle of your favorite beer to honor you!
You can get ready by locating a bottle of Maisel’s hefe weitzen. That should be
available in Switzerland. If not, then Weiheinstephaner dunkel hefe weitzen is
my second choice among beers that are exported from Bavaria, or ueber-Franken to
be more specific. I have no doubt that I will be successful.
You live in (or near) Kansas City but you like German beer??? Good choice Maisel’s or Weihenstephaner should be rather easy to get. I already feared you would come up with some sort of beer from a local brewery… the only problem is, that Hefeweizen is not really my favorite. But I will drink it!
On 08/05/2011 01:36 AM, frank from ch wrote:
> You live in (or near) Kansas City but you like German beer??? Good
> choice Maisel’s or Weihenstephaner should be rather easy to get. I
> already feared you would come up with some sort of beer from a local
> brewery… the only problem is, that Hefeweizen is not really my
> favorite. But I will drink it!
Yes, I can get those beers here, but the export version is not as good as what
you get in Europe. We have a microbrewery in Kansas City that makes a good pale
ale; however, I lived in Bayreuth for a year. I’m not a fan of Wagner, but as
the president of Maisel’s brewery said “Bayreuth may be the music capital of the
world every summer, but it is the beer capital all year.” Hyperbole, perhaps,
but still close to the truth.
I don’t like the Hefeweitzen from southern Bavaria, but the northern ones are great.
I live since six years in Switzerland but my favorite is still Jever. I know it’s not everyone’s taste. But I am from northern Germany, so my beer taste is biased. Sweet or boring beer is absolutely impossible. Beer must taste strong and bitter!