On local network, one machine act as dhcp and dns server using dnsmasq.
Every computer can connect on the network and cant connect to internet.
One windows 7 host can ping the server by ip address or by HOSTNAME or by HOSTNAME.FQDN. The server can ping the windows 7 box by ip address or by HOSTNAME.FQDN (not by hostname).
The windows 7 box boot only on windows.
One windows 8 host can ping the server by ip address or by HOSTNAME or by HOSTNAME.FQDN
The server cannot ping the windows 8 host.
The windows 8 box have dual-boot UEFI OS-13.2 and windows 8.
You need to post exactly the error message when you tried to ping your Win8.
If I were to hazard a wild guess, the problem is resolving the Win8’s hostname.
In fact,
You should also check whether your machine is using the same MAC address booting Win8 and openSUSE. If you are, then your network is confused, because it can’t associate more than one machine with the MAC address. You can configure either Win8 or openSUSE to use a different MAC address instead of the default (typically using the address burned into silicon).
Sorry, I don’t speak French, however it appears both your ass_eth0 and win8 are using as the IP address. These should be different. Are you using static addresses, DHCP or a combination? is the ip address of the server ( set in /etc/hosts and in /etc/dnsmasq.conf ) is the ip address of the “os13.25/win8 dual-boot lapto” given by the server by dnsmasq.
I have never changed the configuration since I bought this laptop; just install opensuse.
The problem is that the “win 8” firewall has been configured ( if I have made no mistake ) to respond to ICMP . I have read that this is not the case just after install. After editing the firewall config with the firewall tool itself it is supposed now to respond to ICMP.
Even though the firewall is in service or not, that doesn’t change.
I am going to verify things, on the win 8 client, one more times
I have completely forgotten the firewall software that I used to use in place of microsoft firewall.
I use Zonealarm.
By default it puts the computer in public zone ( not safe ) and disable windows firewall.
So ICMP packet are dropped.
Normally I have to configure some IP range as safe ( range which are under router control ).
As I had not planned to use “win 8” I have not configured Zonealarm.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you very much for taking time to help me.