Oracle's OpenOffice Future

I just read an article in ct’ where it is reported that the complete german developers quit the OpenOffice team under Oracle.
Mass resignations from - The H Open Source: News and Features
I am not that involved with Oracle and so i am not sure how opposite the goal is of each fraction.
It seems to me that we may see a switch from the current OpenOffice to LibreOffice since, as i read, also Novell were standing behind the OpenSource Foundation which supports LibreOffice.

Any take on it?

Btw. i think that OpenOffice itself is one of the real gems of OpenSource. Directly competing with Microsoft Office and pretty successful. I am really appreciate this piece of software.

A lot of us were expecting bad things from Oracle anyway.
It may be for good. Finally, we might get a much better product from the fork.

I switched to Libre Office Beta, and have not had a problem…yet, but I just do very basic things within Office. I’m happy with it. I can see a much better product with the switch :slight_smile:

etech97 :slight_smile:

etech97 wrote:
> I can see a much better product with the switch :slight_smile:

i know this may be asked and answered elsewhere, but:

Anyone know, will 11.4 have Open or Libre Office as default?

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

On 2010-11-02 09:46, DenverD wrote:

> Anyone know, will 11.4 have Open or Libre Office as default?

I’d bet L.O.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

> Any take on it?

I’ve switched already…no drama.

will do the same :slight_smile:

openSUSE 11.4 will use LibreOffice 3.3.

In fact if, you use Factory, you’ll see that LiO 3.3 Beta 2 is already in the main OSS repo.