oracle vm 4,2.18-64 on 13.1 flls up allocated storage installing W7! how to fix?

hello! on my 13.1-64 towe i have3 xp-32 vms that work. usinging the default options. the same optionsfail with the W7-64 ultimate after a long unpack process.

this is part of the error message

An error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The error details are shown below. You may try to correct the error and resume the virtual machine execution.

virtual size25.00 GB act 104KB. formatvdi

this message goes on to say open up some space on the drive . the tower has a 1TB sata, mostly empty

root[503] df /
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda10 352644204 8988276 342564344 3% /

do i have to delete the xp vms to free up space for W7? please advise me to get past this disk full problem! heboland.

i’m backwithsome other out comes!mostly i’m grasping at straws! in one W7 menu, i found a format button and pressed it, from that point, i didn’t run out of hdd space. i tried reburning the W7 iso. k3b thinks the iso is a udf file. this is what k3bwants me to do!

root[501] mount -t auto -o loop "/var/run/media/frank/CORSAIR/Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate (64 Bit)/"

except for divining out the quotes that keep the command from executing! so maybe the media is the problem!the W7 installs nowon most W7 iso dvds, but it’s not very stable, pausing the gui and displaying it in b/w.

unless i get some suggestions to proceedon i’ll try to get another iso to burn, and start with it from scratch! heboland.

hi list! more ramblings to report. i seem to have broken vbox! each attempt to open it nowdraws this message!

Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.

The application will now terminate.

Start tag expected, '<' not found.

Location: '/home/frank/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 1 (0), column 1.

/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/VirtualBox-4.2.18/src/VBox/Main/src-server/VirtualBoxImpl.cpp[525] (nsresult VirtualBox::init()).

Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: VirtualBox
Interface: IVirtualBox {3b2f08eb-b810-4715-bee0-bb06b9880ad2}
Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.

The application will now terminate.

Start tag expected, '<' not found.

Location: '/home/frank/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 1 (0), column 1.

/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/VirtualBox-4.2.18/src/VBox/Main/src-server/VirtualBoxImpl.cpp[525] (nsresult VirtualBox::init()).

Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: VirtualBox
Interface: IVirtualBox {3b2f08eb-b810-4715-bee0-bb06b9880ad2}

is there a recovery for this , or does this require a replacement of vbox and the vms previouslyinstalled?

regarding the iso, thjis is an error message from k3b.

Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.

The application will now terminate.

Start tag expected, '<' not found.

Location: '/home/frank/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 1 (0), column 1.

/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/VirtualBox-4.2.18/src/VBox/Main/src-server/VirtualBoxImpl.cpp[525] (nsresult VirtualBox::init()).

Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: VirtualBox
Interface: IVirtualBox {3b2f08eb-b810-4715-bee0-bb06b9880ad2}
Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.

The application will now terminate.

Start tag expected, '<' not found.

Location: '/home/frank/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 1 (0), column 1.

/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/VirtualBox-4.2.18/src/VBox/Main/src-server/VirtualBoxImpl.cpp[525] (nsresult VirtualBox::init()).

Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: VirtualBox
Interface: IVirtualBox {3b2f08eb-b810-4715-bee0-bb06b9880ad2}

i tried reburning the same iso with xf burn, and got a burn with no errors .using the xfiso, W7 loads, but it brings up the menu with the format button. thatW7 menu showshdd partitions to load W7 on.
my 13,1 hdd uses a gPT, but theW7menuwon’t install on a gpt partition.

shouldn’the vbox isolate the W7 storage from gpt, and the 13.1, and other hdd partitions?ill wait this time for suggestions about how to get vm working,since i would like to preserve the vmsalready installed if possible tia heboland.

hello, again! i found a link that seemed to fit, but didn’t work for me!

this is the overwrite

frank[5283] cd VirtualBox\ VMs 
frank[5284] l
Dell XPP/  GW Home/  W7ult64/  XP13/  XpDell/
frank[5285] cd W7ult64 
frank[5286] l
Logs/         W7ult64.vbox.0size  W7ult64.vbox-prev.good
W7ult64.vbox  W7ult64.vbox-prev   W7ult64.vdi
frank[5287] cp W7ult64.vbox-prev W7ult64.vbox     

the 0 sized files were there, but overwriting them didn’t release vbox. i’m going to try replacing it now!heboland.

what a day! i’m back with a ragged hole where virtual box used to live. the memory is apparently full. but i can’t figure out how to empty it. i can reduce the installed features, but that doesn’t get enough room!
i tried uninstalling virtual box from the sw manager that gets rid of most of it. if i try a reinstall from there, there’s no gui entry to invoke it.
from google, iran somezypper commands, bu t there is a hole in the dependencies. that’s where i gave up!

if i got my wish now, i would ask for a list of zypper commands that wouldconnect necessary repros, and install a compatible virtual box from scratch, hopefully with an empty virtual hdd!

here are some zypper commands that almost worked!

frank[5295] su
root[501] wget
--2014-08-31 12:17:26--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
--2014-08-31 12:17:26--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 68736216 (66M) [application/x-redhat-package-manager]
Saving to: ‘VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64.rpm’

100%======================================>] 68,736,216  88.7KB/s   in 12m 30s

2014-08-31 12:29:56 (89.6 KB/s) - ‘VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64.rpm’ saved [68736216/68736216]

root[502] zypper in VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64.rpm
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: nothing provides needed by VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64
 Solution 1: do not install VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64
 Solution 2: break VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): c
root[503] zypper in VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.0_89960_openSUSE114-1.x86_64.rpm
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...


On 2014-08-31 23:36, heboland wrote:
> what a day! i’m back with a ragged hole where virtual box used to live.
> the memory is apparently full. but i can’t figure out how to empty it. i
> can reduce the installed features, but that doesn’t get enough room!
> i tried uninstalling virtual box from the sw manager that gets rid of
> most of it. if i try a reinstall from there, there’s no gui entry to
> invoke it.

Notice that, with Linux rpm packaging, removing and reinstalling a
program only reinstalls the software, not the configuration, and
certainly not the data. Those you have to take care yourself, manually.

That’s one difference with Windows; explains why reinstalling a program
in Linux seldom works.

> from google, iran somezypper commands, bu t there is a hole in the
> dependencies. that’s where i gave up!
> if i got my wish now, i would ask for a list of zypper commands that
> wouldconnect necessary repros, and install a compatible virtual box
> from scratch, hopefully with an empty virtual hdd!
> here are some zypper commands that almost worked!
> frank[5295] su
> Password:
> root[501] wget
> --2014-08-31 12:17:26–

I’m not familiar with virtualbox, but the current version I see on their
site is VirtualBox 4.3.14 for Linux, and you are downloading 4.3-4,
which was designed for openSUSE 11.4.


> Problem: nothing provides needed by

which 11.4 has. 13.1 has libvpx1 instead.

So… download the current version, it should solve at least that problem.

Or, use the open version that should be available on openSUSE.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

You try to install the version for openSUSE 11.4! That cannot work as you see.

Use the one for 12.3/13.1 instead.

Your erraneous VM files won’t get fixed by that though, as Carlos already pointed out.
You might want to post your VirtualBox.xml file to get advise for how to fix that.

Or just remove it and create your VMs from scratch.
If your existing .vdi files are still ok, you should be able to add them to a new VM. Just choose “Use an existing hard disk image” (or similar).
And you can choose where to store the image file when you create a new virtual hard disk. So it should be no problem to have them on your 1TB hard disk.
But I don’t really understand your original problem.
Was your home partition full (i.e. where the VMs are stored)? Or the virtual hard disk(s)?
The error message you posted (in the first post) is not really comprehensible, there has to be something missing there.
But it seems to me that the virtual hard disk was full when installing Windows7. If you created a new VM for Windows7 this should be unrelated to your XP VMs. Just remove the virtual hard disk and create a bigger one, and you should be able to install Windows 7.
If you used the same hard disk image for Windows7 and XP you shouldn’t do that of course.
In that case, just create a new one to install Windows7 to.

But maybe you should better explain what exactly you want to achieve anyway. (after VirtualBox works again… :wink: )

Your most basic problem is addressing your lack of space… And knowing where you’ve run out of space. If you run “df -h” and read the entire result, my guess is that it should return more than the root partition, it’ll return all your mountpoints including /home which should read zero megabytes free.

By default, VMs are not placed in the root partition, they are created in a subdirectory of your home partition so your “df” isn’t relevant to your problem unless you installed openSUSE as one partition (not the default install configuration)

Although you can manually build your VMs and set a custom location, the easiest problem is to point the Machine Folder to a location on your root partition where you have space
Virtualbox VM Manager > File > Preferences > General > Default Machine Folder

I don’t know if you can then simply move all your existing VMs into this new folder or if you also need to modify the settings in the Guest Settings as well to point to the new path for the virtual disk file (I’m going to guess the latter). If your existing VMs don’t have any original content, then it’s probably easier to just create new VMs in the new location and clone.

Before you fire up any VMs I would also highly recommend you make some free space available on your /home partition, eg remove approx. 100MB of files from Documents, Downloads. Partitions need room “to breathe.”

I assume you haven’t damaged your Virtualbox app, it’s just non-functional due to lack of Host disk resources which should be resolved by re-locating and removing your Guest VMs from your current location.


IIRC Oracle Virtualbox 4.2.18 installs just fine on 13.1. You might notice that it was released on Sept 2013 which was well within the 13.1 life cycle. The only reason 13.1 is likely not mentioned is that it was originally built on, and verified compatible with older openSUSE… but was the only latest version of Virtualbox available to <all> versions of openSUSE on that date.

So, it’s likely a red herring to suspect that version of Virtualbox would cause any problems on 13.1.

Still, since the OP is installing new, he should just install the latest. If he installed an older version and enabled updating, he would be prompted to upgrade to the current latest released anyway.



I have vBox v4.3.12 running on openSuse 13.1 KDE. I previously had a version of w7-64 and it installed fine on v4.3.12.

Your data (xp-32 vms), are .vdi files and can be moved around, you just have to point the correct VM to the location where you have them. So unless you delete the .vdi files you will not lose your prior XP-32 vm’s when updating or reinstalling virtualbox.

I don’t think you need to worry about w7 gpt. If you have to correct version of vBox it will take care of that for you. When you create the VM for w7, prior to install of w7, be sure to select the correct OS (this is important), which according to your prior info should be Windows 7-64bit. Make sure you go through the VM settings for general, system, & storage to get the correct settings before installing. You might have issues with your host hardware so you should check that your bios can properly handle the VM you are creating, such as support for PAE/NX and your bios ability to handle 64 bit virtualization.


Thanks to the responders of this thread! this thread
last night i had to leave my 13.1-64 tower behind,so i can’t directly follow up with the suggestions, but i can replay this threadwhen i get back to my tower!

at this time, i’m on a 13.1-32 dell laptop. this pc has anxp vm and one W7vm. the W7VM INSTALLdid also did complain about storage problemsduring the W7vm install.both W7 and xp vm’s work on here now

tsu2, your commandruns like this on the13.1dell.

frank[5841] df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6        20G  7.0G   12G  38% /
devtmpfs        1.5G   16K  1.5G   1% /dev
tmpfs           1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           1.5G  3.5M  1.5G   1% /run
tmpfs           1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           1.5G  3.5M  1.5G   1% /var/lock
tmpfs           1.5G  3.5M  1.5G   1% /var/run
/dev/sda7        72G   32G   40G  45% /home

this is the contentsof the vbox folderin /home

frank[5843] cd /home/frank/VirtualBox\ VMs 
frank[5844] l
df-h.txt  gwxp32/  w7-1/  W7ult32/
frank[5845] l gwxp32 
gwxp32.vbox  gwxp32.vbox-prev  gwxp32.vdi  Logs/  Snapshots/
frank[5846] l W7ult32 
Logs/  W7ult32.vbox  W7ult32.vbox-prev  W7ult32.vdi

i what would happen if i deleted the .dvi file? i have the impression the .dvi file is like a sausage skin that contain sall the vm hdd datafor all the vm’s combined.
on the tower, i want to start vm’s from scratch,so if deleating .dvi filesallows me to start vm’s overthat’s ok. also, i’ll try to move the new files to more open spaces, and try toincrease my /home size.

i’m relieved that the v box sw does isolate the 13.1hdd partition type from the vm being installed!

virtual box version on this dell-32 is 4.2.18. when i try to reinstall it on the tower, i would be happy with the latest compatibleversion. what i found was newer versions for windowes, but no matches for the guests.

zypper expert responders in the past have contributed code snyppetsto add repros, that include vendor changes and just work! maybe it’s time for me to join their ranks and learn zypper’s magic so i can handlesuch commands myself!
My tower does have a bios setting for intel virtualization. virtual box won’t run without that setting turned on.

yes , space on the toweris the main problem ! now,i/'m happy to rebuild my vm’s on it from scratch, but space is is still a problem! if deleting the ,dvi files helps the space problem, i should do it!

i think i’ll leave this here to pick up the pieces when i get back to the tower in the mean time, is there a guideto zypper available that shows how tomake vendor changes if needed, and some of the other magi cto get a compatibleversion of oracle virtual box installed? again, thanks to all the responders! heboland,

Ok, but how big are they?
Use “ls -lh”.

i have the impression the .dvi file is like a sausage skin that contain sall the vm hdd datafor all the vm’s combined.

A .vdi file contains one virtual hard disk.
You seem to have two, one for XP (gwxp32.vdi) and one for Windows 7 (W7ult32.vdi). (and then there’s also w7-1/ where you didn’t post the content of… :wink: )
Deleting one will not affect the other.

on the tower, i want to start vm’s from scratch,so if deleating .dvi filesallows me to start vm’s overthat’s ok.

Yes. If you delete the .vdi file it’s like taking out the hard disk, and replacing it with a new one (when you create a new virtual hard disk).

also, i’ll try to move the new files to more open spaces, and try toincrease my /home size.

You do have enough space.
But probably the virtual hard drive, i.e. the .vdi file, was/is too small to install Windows7.

i’m relieved that the v box sw does isolate the 13.1hdd partition type from the vm being installed!

Yes. That’s the point of a virtual hard drive and a virtual machine.

virtual box version on this dell-32 is 4.2.18. when i try to reinstall it on the tower, i would be happy with the latest compatibleversion. what i found was newer versions for windowes, but no matches for the guests.

13.1 comes with 4.2.18, but the latest version is available in the Virtualization repo (add it in YaST->Software Repositories->Add->Community Repositories).
Or download and install the 12.3, not 11.4, package from as mentioned.

yes , space on the toweris the main problem ! now,i/'m happy to rebuild my vm’s on it from scratch, but space is is still a problem! if deleting the ,dvi files helps the space problem, i should do it!

Of course deleting the vdi files will free up space on your real hard disk.
But you do have enough free space. 12GiB on / and 40 GiB on /home.

i think i’ll leave this here to pick up the pieces when i get back to the tower in the mean time, is there a guideto zypper available that shows how tomake vendor changes if needed,
You shouldn’t have to.
Just add the Virtualization repo as mentioned above, and YaST/zypper should install the latest version when you tell it to install virtualbox.
Or you can specify the version yourself, either via the “Versions” tab in YaST, or like this:

zypper in virtualbox-qt-4.3.14

[QUOTE]and some of the other magi cto get a compatibleversion of oracle virtual box installed?

Just download the correct version (i.e. the one for openSUSE 12.3/13.1). Then the installation should just work.

thanks wolfi323!

it may take me a month to get back to my tower, but your response should get virtualboxworking on it again!

ls -lh on this dell laptoprun from here/home/frank/VirtualBox VMs/W7ult32 looks like this!

frank[5868] cd W7ult32 
frank[5869] l
Logs/  W7ult32.vbox  W7ult32.vbox-prev  W7ult32.vdi
frank[5870] ls -lh
total 14G
drwx------ 2 frank users 4.0K Aug 29 17:54 Logs
-rw------- 1 frank users  12K Aug 29 18:07 W7ult32.vbox
-rw------- 1 frank users  12K Aug 29 12:49 W7ult32.vbox-prev
-rw------- 1 frank users  14G Aug 29 18:07 W7ult32.vdi
frank[5871] pwd /home/frank/VirtualBox VMs/W7ult32
/home/frank/VirtualBox VMs/W7ult32

if 14G is the real size, that’s much biggerthan i would have expected

14GiB is much too small for Windows7 Ultimate IMHO.

I even ran out of space with a 20 GiB hard file some time ago after installing all updates. (not even any additional software installed)

So better remove that one (you shouldn’t have anything in there yet, right?), add a much bigger virtual hard disk (30-40 GiB depending on what you want to do), and re-install Windows 7 from scratch.

at this time, i’m on a 13.1-32 dell laptop.

If you are running a 32-bit HostOS, you can only install 32-bit Guests.
Be sure you’re installing a 32-bit Win7 and not a 64-bit.

In other words, if you’re using the same Win7 Ultimate install file you referenced in your original post, it won’t work.


That’s not completely true.

If it is in fact a 64bit CPU with hardware virtualization support, you can even install a 64bit guest on a 32bit host OS.

See Chapter 3. Configuring Virtual Machines

VirtualBox supports 64-bit guest operating systems, even on 32-bit host operating systems, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • You need a 64-bit processor with hardware virtualization support (see Section 10.3, “Hardware vs. software virtualization”).
  • You must enable hardware virtualization for the particular VM for which you want 64-bit support; software virtualization is not supported for 64-bit VMs.
  • If you want to use 64-bit guest support on a 32-bit host operating system, you must also select a 64-bit operating system for the particular VM. Since supporting 64 bits on 32-bit hosts incurs additional overhead, VirtualBox only enables this support upon explicit request.

wolfi323,thanks again for your comments! on the 32-bit dell laptop, i do have a 32-bit instance of W7 ultimate installed. it has all theW7 os updatesloaded. apparently it fits with a fully updatedxp home. if i needed to allocate more space for eirher of these vms, i still wouldn’t know how to do it!

at least i’m aware now of some limits of vm applications!

one upcoming task on my horizon is to change from W8 to W7 on an HP 64-bit all-in one. this conversion may involve installing 13.1 on the HP and going to a W7 vm. if so, i would prefer to get W7 installed, so it would be the default foreign os dual boot left behind by the 13.1 install.

that action is getting ahead of this thread, and not relavant here!

with the help i got here ON THIS THREAD, i feel comfortable to proceed. heboland.

Well, you didn’t show how big your XP drives are.
But Windows 7 is much bigger than XP. Just compare the installation medias for a start: XP comes on a CD, whereas Windows 7 comes on a DVD.

if i needed to allocate more space for eirher of these vms, i still wouldn’t know how to do it!

I already told you.
Since this was a fresh installation of Windows 7 anyway, just remove the virtual hard disk and create a new, bigger one.
You should be able to install Windows 7 then.

at least i’m aware now of some limits of vm applications!

Well, that’s not a limit of vm applications.
If your real hard disk/partition is too small, you cannot install Windows 7 (or whatever OS) on there either.

Interesting. Might be due to some new hardware CPU extension instructions I’m not aware of.
Note that your quote suggests that although it might be possible, it’ll incur a performance hit.


On 2014-09-03 16:16, tsu2 wrote:
> wolfi323;2662485 Wrote:
>> That’s not completely true.
>> If it is in fact a 64bit CPU with hardware virtualization support, you
>> can even install a 64bit guest on a 32bit host OS.
>> See
> Interesting. Might be due to some new hardware CPU extension
> instructions I’m not aware of.
> Note that your quote suggests that although it might be possible, it’ll
> incur a performance hit.

I guess a big one. I would not do it, unless the only version I had of
the guest system was a 64 bit one…

Wait, it is a 64 bit host CPU, running a 32 bit host operating system…
ah, then it is not that surprising :slight_smile:

Interesting, though.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)