Thanks to the responders of this thread! this thread
last night i had to leave my 13.1-64 tower behind,so i can’t directly follow up with the suggestions, but i can replay this threadwhen i get back to my tower!
at this time, i’m on a 13.1-32 dell laptop. this pc has anxp vm and one W7vm. the W7VM INSTALLdid also did complain about storage problemsduring the W7vm install.both W7 and xp vm’s work on here now
tsu2, your commandruns like this on the13.1dell.
frank[5841] df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 20G 7.0G 12G 38% /
devtmpfs 1.5G 16K 1.5G 1% /dev
tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 1.5G 3.5M 1.5G 1% /run
tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 1.5G 3.5M 1.5G 1% /var/lock
tmpfs 1.5G 3.5M 1.5G 1% /var/run
/dev/sda7 72G 32G 40G 45% /home
this is the contentsof the vbox folderin /home
frank[5843] cd /home/frank/VirtualBox\ VMs
frank[5844] l
df-h.txt gwxp32/ w7-1/ W7ult32/
frank[5845] l gwxp32
gwxp32.vbox gwxp32.vbox-prev gwxp32.vdi Logs/ Snapshots/
frank[5846] l W7ult32
Logs/ W7ult32.vbox W7ult32.vbox-prev W7ult32.vdi
i what would happen if i deleted the .dvi file? i have the impression the .dvi file is like a sausage skin that contain sall the vm hdd datafor all the vm’s combined.
on the tower, i want to start vm’s from scratch,so if deleating .dvi filesallows me to start vm’s overthat’s ok. also, i’ll try to move the new files to more open spaces, and try toincrease my /home size.
i’m relieved that the v box sw does isolate the 13.1hdd partition type from the vm being installed!
virtual box version on this dell-32 is 4.2.18. when i try to reinstall it on the tower, i would be happy with the latest compatibleversion. what i found was newer versions for windowes, but no matches for the guests.
zypper expert responders in the past have contributed code snyppetsto add repros, that include vendor changes and just work! maybe it’s time for me to join their ranks and learn zypper’s magic so i can handlesuch commands myself!
My tower does have a bios setting for intel virtualization. virtual box won’t run without that setting turned on.
yes , space on the toweris the main problem ! now,i/'m happy to rebuild my vm’s on it from scratch, but space is is still a problem! if deleting the ,dvi files helps the space problem, i should do it!
i think i’ll leave this here to pick up the pieces when i get back to the tower in the mean time, is there a guideto zypper available that shows how tomake vendor changes if needed, and some of the other magi cto get a compatibleversion of oracle virtual box installed? again, thanks to all the responders! heboland,