> Does anyone know of a way to make Opera (9.51) always open in the same
> position with the same dimensions?
> When i close Opera and then re-open it, it appears with the same
> dimensions but in the bottom right of the screen.
> thanks!
> (openSUSE 11, kde 4.0/.1)
So I infer you’re not running Opera fullscreen… ok…
If you change the command used to start Opera (edit the
icon/link, or whatever) you can set the size and location of the window:
opera -geometry 400x300-10-20
Although some programs don’t respect the geometry request (Firefox doesn’t!).
This tells the program that you want a window that is 400x300 pixels
{wide}x{tall}, located 10 pixels from the RIGHT edge (left edge would be
‘+10’), and 20 pixels from the BOTTOM edge (+20 for from top)
These numbers are absolute, and do not respect the taskbar, the desktop
manager will usually move the window to prevent overlaying the taskbar and to
allow drawing the window decorations and frame.
You might also start opera in a terminal with the ‘–help’ argument to see if
it supports this functionality itself.
{installed opera…}
Actually, the output of ‘opera --help’ even includes a description of what I
just wrote above… it supports the geometry request. Yaay!