hi im new here as u will gess, and sorry if this gets asked alot
well installed open SUSE 11.0 gnome 4 days ago, and the first thing i did was install opera, well it seems what ever i do i cant stop the error bug thingy coming up with operawrapper crashed or the something like that. um anyone got info on how to mend it, cus i cant find any
p.s if there is any more info needed just ask
thanks for ur help guys and i hope to fit in with all of u well
Hi, you need to be more specific about the error you get, so others may help you. First check if opera did get installed correctly. Supposing you did install opera from rpm package, you do that by going to terminal and
this will verify the opera package installation gainst the file you downloaded. Ofcourse you must change the path of the rpm you have downloaded, to your specific case, the upper line is just an instance of it. Then try to tell us exactly what the error says.