OpenVPN ERROR: TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds

Somehow it runs perfectly now in udp4.

I would say it because I changed it to SDB:OpenVPN Installation and Setup - openSUSE Wiki expect to use elliptic curve cryptograhy. But it was done long time ago.

Still have to add IPv6

Glad to hear things are working as expected now - very strange that it just started working.

By the way do you know how to expose a docker container in the VPN?

I’m not sure I understand the question - exposing a port in a Docker container shouldn’t matter if you’re connected via VPN or not. In the Dockerfile you’d still use the ‘expose’ directive to open the port.

If you are running a firewall, you also need to make sure the port is open in the fireweall.

To make it only visible to devices connected to the vpn?

I’ve not tried to do this before; it looks like the way that is recommended in various places on the 'net is to use iptables to configure the firewall specifically to restrict the port to that interface (assuming the docker container is on the same host as the VPN server software).

Probably worth opening a new topic to see if anyone else has ideas.