rclocal and rc.local are standard linux scripts. It is started by init at boot-time to start own programs at boot.
It normaly starts as last of scripts. But on SUSE 11.1 there is paralel init that does not strictly use order of rc scripts
The problem with boot.local is that it’s run before going to run level 1. Nice sometimes, but not doing what rc.local would do, which is startup daemons and do jobs, after services start.
So when I needed something similar I made an /etc/init.d script to run after the standard wwwoffle startup.
There’s boiler plate, and insserv(8) is used to generate the links, so you ought not create those by hand.
Note: This template uses functions rc_XXX defined in /etc/rc.status on
UnitedLinux (UL) based Linux distributions. If you want to base your
script on this template and ensure that it works on non UL based LSB
compliant Linux distributions, you either have to provide the rc.status
functions from UL or change the script to work without them.
Provides: wwwoffled_final
Required-Start: wwwoffle $ALL
X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start: smpppd
Required-Stop: wwwoffle $ALL
X-UnitedLinux-Should-Stop: smppd
Default-Start: 3 5
Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
Short-Description: wwwoffle_final providing setup of wwwoffled daemon
Description: wwwoffle_final controls wwwoffled mode after startup.
Generally the web proxy is set to either -online or -autodial in
/etc/sysconfig/wwwoffle, as the default is -offline.