
关于硬盘安装openSUSE 11.04方面的问题。
机器asus f80s,系统win7.
在管理员账户下虚拟光驱加载.iso文件后,选择openSUSE 11.04LOCAL.exe安装。
重启之后选择要启动的操作系统openSUSE 11.04 installer(local)后,
屏幕只有两行字母,还没有看清楚,就一闪而过,又回到了选择要启动的操作系统界面。就是openSUSE 11.04 installer(local)启动项无效。


还有,用光盘安装ubuntu11.04时, 进入后选择中文简体,然后选择安装ubuntu后, 光标闪了几下后屏幕就没反应了…

About the hard disk installation openSUSE 11.04 problems.
Asus f80s machine, win7 system.
The administrator account virtual drives loading. Iso file, choose openSUSE 11.04 LOCAL. Exe installation.
After the restart choice to start operating system openSUSE 11.04 possibility (local),
Only two lines of letters, screen is not see clear, is a flash, returned to choose to start operating system interface. OpenSUSE possibility is 11.04 (local) initiated the invalid.
If choose xp compatibility mode of words, is no opensuse initiated the boot.

Don’t know what to do.

And, with ubuntu11.04 cd-rom installed, into Chinese simplified, and then choose after choose to install ubuntu, the cursor after a few screen flash after it didn’t respond…

I doubt that asus is computer have problems.

Wouldn’t you be better off in 技术讨论与支持](http://forums.opensuse.org/ae-ae-chinese/aes-aeoe-e-e-ae-zae-aeoe/) ?

On 07/04/2011 10:36 AM, lizuodu wrote:

> Background:
> About the hard disk installation openSUSE 11.04 problems.
> Asus f80s machine, win7 system.
> The administrator account virtual drives loading. Iso file, choose
> openSUSE 11.04 LOCAL. Exe installation.
> After the restart choice to start operating system openSUSE 11.04
> possibility (local),
> Question:
> Only two lines of letters, screen is not see clear, is a flash,
> returned to choose to start operating system interface. OpenSUSE
> possibility is 11.04 (local) initiated the invalid.
> If choose xp compatibility mode of words, is no opensuse initiated the
> boot.
> Don’t know what to do.
> And, with ubuntu11.04 cd-rom installed, into Chinese simplified, and
> then choose after choose to install ubuntu, the cursor after a few
> screen flash after it didn’t respond…
> I doubt that asus is computer have problems.

have you previously installed ubuntu11.04 and now wish to also boot to
openSUSE11.4 (there is no openSUSE11.04) and Win7 (three OS)?

or, are you wanting to replace ubuntu11.04 with openSUSE11.4 and keep Win7?

answer those two questions and provide the output of the below, and we
might be able to help:

please boot from the live CD (either openSUSE or Ubuntu) collect and
show us the terminal output from

df -h
sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
cat /proc/partitions
cat /etc/fstab
sudo cat /boot/grub/menu.lst

copy/paste the output back to this thread using the instructions here:

and, are you aware of our Chinese forums, choose from two here:

note: you are welcome to be here, but it might be easier for you in the
language specific forum…
