I’ve been noticing something this last week, and just heard from another forum user that they are having the same issue.
I’m getting pages in the wrong language, or not getting the page at all. For instance - clicking the main link (left-side) to the Wiki last week either got me no page or something in Finnish maybe?? This other user went to the Nvidia page, and it came up in German. He’s an English user, like myself. Yesterday I had a page come up in Spanish, a couple of days ago in Italian. And they won’t switch to the correct language, even if they have a little language picker somewhere.
Anybody else see this?
Yes i have bumped into this myself, whoever is maintaining these pages is certainly not doing their job.
Update to openSUSE.org - openSUSE Forums
Statement of the Wiki Team on the recent MediaWiki Update - openSUSE Forums
Want a refund, to coin a phrase?
[ETA - though I don’t see the laguages thing noted directly. Maybe point it out in the comments of the announcement, if you’re feeling useful…]
I know that we’re working hard to patch up our wiki and website, but sometimes a website in a language you don’t know can be really annoying, especially if you really want to read what it says. Yesterday I wanted to see how an openSUSE 11.2 network install could be done and I bumped into a page which said something like ‘The article could not be found’ or something like that, I guess it was, in some other language.
I suppose these problems stem from the fact that SUSE was not originally developed in an English-speaking country but in Germany; the original developers was the SuSE company (Software und System Entwicklung), a German abbreviation. And till today, openSUSE seems to have retained its base in Germany more than anywhere else, although the project is sponsored by Novell.
Anyway, it’s good that Suse is trying to be fully multilingual; not everyone knows English. My first language is not English (although I know it quite well ) but it’s Urdu.