openSUSE vs Ubuntu - fonts rendering

I’m trying to achieve in Ubuntu the same fonts rendering like in openSUSE, which has the best configuration.

[ubuntu] Font rendering on some websites… - Ubuntu Forums](

Also Fedora has the same problem like Ubuntu. Fonts are too wide and big, but only on some websites…

Any ideas/suggestions what may cause this or how to reconfigure fonts to have proper size?

Give us some links I tried that page you tried and had no problem

I suspect a user config as my Suse has had very little tweaking.


6205 wrote:

> …up

Are you asking how to achieve a font config in Ubuntu box on openSUSE forum?
You like danger, don’t you? :wink:

Now seriously, I can’t say as I dunno how Ubuntu manages this. Maybe others
can help :-?



I suspect the issue may not be openSUSE so much as KDE4 which uses SVG, making vector font rendering in particular much better.

I am GNOME user, so KDE is off topic. My point was, that openSUSE has much better font configuration, mostly visible through many websites and i wanted to find a way, how to config the same way Ubuntu… Surely it’s not a “install msttcorefonts” issue so i’m interested what could made such a diference in quality.

I have switched to Suse 11.1 gnome, from Ubuntu 9.04, but still have an Ubuntu machine.

I can’t see the difference?

I realize this is a slightly older thread, but my experience on this is different. I was an Ubuntu user earlier but am now making the switch to OpenSuse 11.3. I installed restricted fonts, and also freetype2 packages with subpixel hinting enabled. But they don’t seem to work out for me. Fonts, especially webpages, on OpenSuse continue to look uglier compared to my earlier Ubuntu.


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Hi, @soum

I’m aware that this is a rather old thread, but it’s highly positioned on Google on this particular problem. That’s why I’ll update it with a link to a solution (which may or may not work ;])

Anyway, you can check post #9 from [SOLVED] Apply Ubuntu font rendering in openSUSE - Ubuntu Forums](

Once and for all: yeah, openSUSE fonts render. sux ass. But the solution is quite easy.

  1. System settings (desktop settings) -> App Appearance -> Fonts -> SubPixel “Yes” “Small”
  2. Download FreeType from here: Index of /subpixel/openSUSE_11.4/ [in Yast, switch to SubPixel Repo, Upgrade]
  3. Install MS fonts, package etchmsttfonts (extra).

Looks neat, doesn’t it?

Here is a nice HowTo:
Font Hinting on openSUSE 11.4

Works fine over here.