openSUSE ver11.1 trying to join a Windows 2003 Domain

This is what I am attempting to do:
I would like to setup a Linux machine to act as a proxy using Squid and Dansguardian. I have about 200 pcs that all have Windows XP Pro with SP3. I would like this proxy to monitor and track the network activity on each of the 200 Windows pcs. I would like it to be setup in a way that all of the user’s pcs must go through the proxy to get to the Internet (Tools/Internet Opotions/Connections/Lan Settings/Proxy Server). I do not want the users to have to enter a username and/or password to get on the internet. Everything needs to be done behind the scenes without the user knowing.

I am using openSuse 11.1. I have installed the following software: Squid (2.x), yast2-squid, Dansguardian, Samba-Winbind, KRB5, KRB5-Client.

My current problem is: I am having trouble getting this Linux Machine to Join a Windows 2003 Server. This server is the Primary Domain Controller with Active Directory.

Does this Linux machine have to be a member of the Windows domain to do this?

I have used 2 tutorial-type documents. Here are the URL for those documents (they are active hyperlinks…you can click them:
1)Setting up Squid NTLM DansGuardian Sarg - openSUSE

  1. Everything is now setup according to this tutorial.

Following both tutorials everything is perfect up to the step when you join the domain (i.e.
net join -S PDC -UAdministrator or
net ads join -U domainadminuser@DOMAIN.INTERNAL).

When I execute either of the “net join” statements above…This is the error I get:

Failed to join domain. Invalid configuration and configuration modification was not requested.

Could someone please provide some help or insight into the problem and a possible solution?

Bobby Howerton

On Fri February 20 2009 02:46 pm, bhowerton1 wrote:

> hello,
> this is what i am attempting to do:
> i would like to setup a linux machine to act as a proxy using squid and
> dansguardian. i have about 200 pcs that all have windows xp pro with
> sp3. i would like this proxy to monitor and track the network activity
> on each of the 200 windows pcs. i would like it to be setup in a way
> that all of the user’s pcs must go through the proxy to get to the
> internet (tools/internet opotions/connections/lan settings/proxy
> server). i do not want the users to have to enter a username and/or
> password to get on the internet. everything needs to be done behind the
> scenes without the user knowing.
> i am using opensuse 11.1. i have installed the following software:
> squid (2.x), yast2-squid, dansguardian, samba-winbind, krb5,
> krb5-client.
> my current problem is: i am having trouble getting this linux machine
> to join a windows 2003 server. this server is the primary domain
> controller with active directory.
> does this linux machine have to be a member of the windows domain to do
> this?
> i have used 2 tutorial-type documents. here are the url for those
> documents (they are active hyperlinks…you can click them:
> 1)‘setting up squid ntlm dansguardian sarg - opensuse’
> (
> 2) everything is now setup according to
> this tutorial.
> following both tutorials everything is perfect up to the step when you
> join the domain (i.e. net join -s pdc -uadministrator or
> net ads join -u
> domainadminuser@domain.internal).
> when i execute either of the “net join” statements…this is the
> error i get:
> failed to join domain. invalid configuration and configuration
> modification was not requested.
> could someone please provide some help or insight into the problem and
> a possible solution?
> Thanks,
> Bobby Howerton

Does this apply:

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green