Hi,Autofirma is the official program to sign documents in Spain.
https://firmaelectronica.gob.es/Home/Descargas.htmlIt doesn’t work in KDE opensuse (Chromium, chrome of firefox). I got this
kf5.kio.core: couldn’t create slave: “klauncher ha respondido: Protocolo desconocido afirma (Protocol unknow)”
However it doesn’t work in:
-Gnome (i have both Desktops, but I use regulary KDE)
-With a Firefox from oficial page-> https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/77.0.1/
I guess this problem is related with opensuse’s patchs in Firefox. I tried to create a protocol in /usr/share/kservices5 without sucessful
Any idea what can i do?