OpenSUSE tumbleweed installation stuck Touchpad error

Hello everyone.
I have a new laptop and I installed Ubuntu and then Manjaro KDE without any problem.
But I really like OpenSUSE
Unfortunately when I launch the installation from my USB key, it stops at the line:

Citation Input etps/2 elantech touchpad as /devices/platfom/0042/serio1/input/input2

Does anyone have an idea for me to install?
thanks in advance

I am just answering as nobody else did. Is your touchpad working on a tumbleweed live image? Which image are you using for installation and did you check the hash sum of your download?

Le pavé fonctionne sur une image en direct, mais une fois installé, cela plante.
De plus depuis si j’essaie de réinstallé j’ai un message ACPI, je ne l’ai plus sous les yeux, comme j’ai besoin de la machine j’ai provisoirement mis Linux Mint et tous fonctionnent.
Mais je vais ressayer le week-end prochain si je trouve uen piste.

Reminder - this is an English language sub-forum :+1:

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