openSUSE Tumbleweed freezes on startup

After installing openSUSE TW, I boot and just see this thing.

This issue is not present on Leap 15.6.

How old is the image? What is the date of the ISO? How did you dump/burn the ISO? Did you verify the checksum?

Its the latest one, using Ventoy, checksum verified

Do not use Ventoy! It is known for breaking and altering the installation ISO!

Additionally some potentially unsecure contents in Ventoy got discovered.

How did this happen? Ventoy was working fine previously with openSUSE TW

Ventoy is not supported.

Alright, also wanted to ask, hows it insecure? Didn’t knew about that.

When you read the linked bug on github, you may understand.

Hello again, tried to use BalenaEtcher this time, I still have the same issue…

@vanyok use dd from the command line to create the image onto a USB device.

Can i try somethinng else?

You need to do a plain unchanged copy to the device not a partition on the device.

I use the simple cp (copy) command iso->device

Hello again, doing nomodeset fixed everything.


nomodeset forces use of a default graphics driver. Fine for getting on but then you need to fix what is wrong with the graphics to get full use. What is your GPU???

Nvidia rtx 3060

Back to the last snapshot and run:

sudo systemctl stop plymouth-start.service && sudo zypper dup

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