Opensuse tumbleweed formatted its self

Like the title implies 10 min ago when I booted up tumbleweed with the cinnamon desktop installed it got stuck after login. So i decided to reboot the system no partitions were found on my drive.:’( The drive was not dual boot, it was solely for opensuse tumbleweed.

here is how I configured the system.

I installed using openSUSE-Tumbleweed-DVD-x86_64-Snapshot20170218-Media
let the drive partitioner use the whole drive with ext4 (xfs 100% of the time for me fails to open /var/log/journal) i think that creates a 2g swap, boot and 246g root
chose minimal x install for the desktop

installed just fine I then install cinnamon desktop via yast
i installed irssi, and I installed some themes from the theme application.

I think its related to cinnamon but I cannot confirm as my filesystem is non existent.

CPU: amd-FX8350
GPU: amd-rx 480
HD: intel NVME 600p 250g

Please no conclusions, but facts. Why do you think there are no partitions anymore?

Oh thats easy.

On boot I would get a no valid boot media found. So then i put in my opensuse tumbleweed install dvd booted in to the installer the drive probe/partitioner found 0 partition drives. It was a fresh install of OSTW, so i did not lose data. The drive is fine, I installed ubuntu 16.10 and currently using that to write this response.

I understand that you need a running system and thus installed something new on that disk. But we now do have almost nothing to try and find why this very unlikely accident happened.

Definitely not TW formatting itself. No way. My 2 cents: wearing of the SSD / a broken controller. You already write that XFS fails ( which it shouldn’t ).
Some background: last month I dealt with a laptop from a customer on which he installed Leap himself. At first my thought was he’d been messing around too much, since a fresh install worked fine. Updating worked fine as well. After two hours wifi stopped working, a reboot required a filesystem check ( ext4 ) which threw errors but reported them fixed. A next reboot seemed to work, but resulted in one ‘file not found’ after the other. Replaced the SSD, installed exactly the same way, ran updates, added Packman, worked on the laptop for a couple of hours and returned the thing. No issues anymore.

Some more: if you’d be running something experimental related to partitioning/disk management, yes some bug could have caused this. But, we’re talking thoroughly tested software, a bug causing removal of the partition table wouldn’t pass. No way.

First, thank you for taking the time to respond to me.

Yea it was one of those nights I needed something now. I’ll try to recreate this weekend, I’ll document more steps to see if i can recreate/take video. But it seems like im not the only one having this issue. What I experienced was along the same lines of what this user stated. I’m not about to give up on opensuse, but I might need to step down to 42.2

The "TWself"format happened on ext4, I dont make any exotic partitions. I use recommended partition, no encryption and snapshots turned off(i don’t remember if this is only a btrfs thing but i usually turn it off)

In regards to xfs
I get the cannot write to journal on my nvme using x4 pcie lanes AND on my samsung 940 ssd across sata6. I brought my work laptop home, so I’ll post a screen shot or video of my issue tomorrow. I will be doing this from a clean install and i will show you my partition setup.

If i can provide anything that would further help let me know.

Thanks again.

TW cannot “format itself”. Is this an acer laptop? your running nvme drive. check in bios if it is now in ahci mode i think the other (bad) option is something like “intel raid”. there is a problem with nvme but since you have successfully installed ubuntu im surprised.

are you sure it’s not a hard disk or an sata controller failure
try a live OS and see if the disk shows up, hard disks tend to fail sometimes out of the blue
something similar happened to me once upon a time on windows when I use to use hibernation the disk was fine the file system ruined
First thing you need to do is check your hardware, see if the disk is OK you cab see it’s SMART parameters (if it’s magnetic) or just see if the disk shows up
you can use any live OS (you need access to a working PC to make a live usb)
Gparted might be your best choice (for reformatting your hdd)