openSUSE Security Update: Security update for opera______________________________________________________________________________Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2022:10108-1Rating: importantReferences: Cross-References: CVE-2022-2852 CVE-2022-2853 CVE-2022-2854 CVE-2022-2855 CVE-2022-2856 CVE-2022-2857 CVE-2022-2858 CVE-2022-2859 CVE-2022-2860 CVE-2022-2861Affected Products: openSUSE Leap 15.3:NonFree______________________________________________________________________________ An update that fixes 10 vulnerabilities is now available.Description: This update for opera fixes the following issues: - Update to 90.0.4480.54 - CHR-8981 Update chromium on desktop-stable-104-4480 to 104.0.5112.102 - DNA-98165 [buildsign] Whitelist Silent.nib when creating universal NI package on Mac - DNA-101309 Use base filename in PUT request when uploading files to buildbot - The update to chromium 104.0.5112.102 fixes following issues: CVE-2022-2852, CVE-2022-2854, CVE-2022-2855, CVE-2022-2857, CVE-2022-2858, CVE-2022-2853, CVE-2022-2856, CVE-2022-2859, CVE-2022-2860, CVE-2022-2861 - Update to 90.0.4480.48 - DNA-100835 AddressBarModelTestWithCategories.RefreshUnfiltered SuggestionsWhenPrefsChanged fails on beta stream - DNA-101171 Translations for O90 - DNA-101216 Remove empty string from flow client_capabilities - DNA-101357 Promote O90 to Stable - DNA-101383 Revert DNA-101033 - Complete Opera 90.0 changelog at: - Update to 89.0.4447.91 - DNA-100673 Crash at void opera::ModalDialogBaseView::OnExtraButtonPressed (const class ui::Event& const) - DNA-100915 [Sync Settings] Confirm your identity to enable encryption message flickers - DNA-100937 Missing links to ToS and Privacy Statement in launcher dialog when running installer with ���show-eula-window-on-start - DNA-101002 Make errors from webpack compilation appear in the log - DNA-101045 Popup contents are pushed outside of popup in “Unprotected” VPN state - DNA-101076 Disabled Pinboards should have another color in Account popup - DNA-101086 Sync ��� Clicking Next on does not redirect anywhere - Update to 89.0.4447.83 - DNA-99507 Badge deactivates on a basket page of the shop - DNA-99840 Add speed dials to start page - DNA-100127 Enable #enable-force-dark-from-settings on all streams - DNA-100233 [Settings] “Sync everything” and “Do not sync” unselects itself - DNA-100560 Add “suggested speed dials” in the Google search box on the start page - DNA-100568 Fix icon in suggestions and update layout - DNA-100646 Add synchronization states to Opera account popup - DNA-100665 Create private API to open Account popup + allow rich hints - DNA-100668 Use a category based suggestion list to sort search box suggestions - DNA-100701 “Force dark page” shortcut don���t work - DNA-100711 Unable to click suggestions on start page search box - DNA-100725 [WinLin] Opera account logo is offcenter - DNA-100762 Suggestions from networks get favicon from network - DNA-100764 Fix “Confirm Identity” URL - DNA-100905 Request to update event_sd_tile_used.type - DNA-100921 Add accessibility info about sync state to opera account button - DNA-100943 VPN pro popup can be zoomed - DNA-100945 Disable Context Menu for VPN and VPN Pro popups - DNA-100958 Opera account popup should display actual state of synchronization instead of selected option - DNA-100994 “Secure More devices” is pushed outside of popup - DNA-101009 Free VPN ��� “Try for free” disappear after clicked - DNA-101012 Remove VPN Pro service available from VPN pro settings when logged in without subscription - DNA-101094 Unable to close a window from JavaScript - DNA-101121 chrome.operaAccountPrivate is undefinedPatch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like YaST online_update or “zypper patch”. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE Leap 15.3:NonFree: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2022-10108=1Package List: - openSUSE Leap 15.3:NonFree (x86_64): opera-90.0.4480.54-lp153.2.57.1References: