After an openSUSE installation between Windows Windows and Ubuntu
when starting openSUSE I get a “GRUB” error
I tried some commands like; sudo mount /dev/mapper/crypt_nvme0n1p6 /mnt/boot … without success.
Can you help me ? Please.
After an openSUSE installation between Windows Windows and Ubuntu
when starting openSUSE I get a “GRUB” error
I tried some commands like; sudo mount /dev/mapper/crypt_nvme0n1p6 /mnt/boot … without success.
Can you help me ? Please.
You can partition the disk however you want and that won’t make grub to fail. It can handle it. But you give not a clue about what’s the error grub throws.
How did you make the install device?? Programs that work with other Linux distros do not work with openSUSE. You must do a binary unchanged copy to the device, not to a partition on the device.
Merci pour votre réponse.
Désolé pour mon manquement, voici le message d’erreur :
Enter passphrase for hd2, gpt7 (44ecaeba-b691-4267-886b-4e1d2fc4422e): Attempting to decrypt master key…
error: …/…/grub-core/disk/luks.c:283:access denied.
error: …/…/grub-core/kern/disk.c:237:disk `cryptouuid/44ecaebab6914267886b4e1d2fc4422e’ not found.
error: …/…/grub-core/kern/disk.c:237:disk ‘cryptouuid/44ecaebab6914267886b4e1d2fc4422e’ not found. Entering rescue mode…
grub rescue>
Thank you for your support, however I do not understand everything you are telling me to do. During the installation, I followed the information but the result is a ‘grub error’. I still hope to discover the advantages of Opensus. What are your recommendations to correct this error please?
Make sure you are entering the correct password. Keyboard layout during boot is most likely US.
What program did you use to copy the installer iso to the USB device?? It must follow the rules I outlined above. many Linux helper programs are for other distros that may not work with openSUSE. Also you did not mention what OS you used to create the installer If in Windows use a simple binary copy program like
and be sure the target is the device not a partition on the device.
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