Not sure how could that happen, but my pc lost 100MHz of speed after installation of opensuse 11.
Vista config was giving me 2000 when i first turned off this brand new comp, and now its only 1900.
I can say for sure i am not mistaken because when i was making my first steps with vista, i made notes on paper about perfomance index - (notes were needed in order not to forget, to post in the net from another pc which was really far - two meters distance lol)
and the index for processor was 5.1
and now it is 4.7
also after first installation of opensuse, when kde4 was selected, its sysinfo was saying only 1000 mhz for my athlon xp 64
now installed kde3.5 says the same as vista, 1900
how could that thing happen? and can i have my 100mhz back anyhow?
> Not sure how could that happen, but my pc lost 100MHz of speed after
> installation of opensuse 11.
> Vista config was giving me 2000 when i first turned off this brand new
> comp, and now its only 1900.
> I can say for sure i am not mistaken because when i was making my first
> steps with vista, i made notes on paper about perfomance index - (notes
> were needed in order not to forget, to post in the net from another pc
> which was really far - two meters distance lol)
> and the index for processor was 5.1
> and now it is 4.7
> also after first installation of opensuse, when kde4 was selected, its
> sysinfo was saying only 1000 mhz for my athlon xp 64
> now installed kde3.5 says the same as vista, 1900
> how could that thing happen? and can i have my 100mhz back anyhow?
Not sure, but maybe you are seeing the actual mhz in use as the CPU
automatically throttles back (saving you money, and the earth’s energy)
because SUSE does not need as much processing power as the VistaHog!).
So, instead of looking for lost hertz, celebrate their savings!
No, i have the range ceiling now at 1900…
The only guess i have - is that seller had processor boosted to make this pc more attractive (2000 sounds cooler then 1900, aint it?). A bit odd because it was an official dealer…