Opensuse shutdown vs Windows shutdown puzzle

I can boot my desk machine (from the Grub menu) into either Opensuse 15.3 or Windows 8.1. Each OS is on a different drive. When I shut down Opensuse it seems to turn the machine off OK but it reboots if I move my USB wireless mouse. When I shut down Windows 8.1 it turns the machine off and moving the mouse does not cause it to reboot. The BIOS mouse wake setting is set to: disabled. I would like it if Opensuse can be made to shut down like Windows does. When Windows shuts down I believe I hear a more satisfying clonk from somewhere inside the machine. The motherboard is a Z97 Pro4.

It seems you are suspending instead of shutting down. Check your energy settings (in KDE they are in systemsettings). As a temporary workaround you can open a terminal as root and run

# shutdown -h now

Note that the # character is not part of the command, it only indicates you’re in a root terminal. It will also most probably be preceded by the machine and user names.

Note that shutdown is a mere symlink in systemd installations. All the following are related to rebooting and shutting down:

# file /sbin/telinit
/sbin/telinit: symbolic link to /usr/bin/systemctl
# file /sbin/init
/sbin/init: symbolic link to ../usr/lib/systemd/systemd
# file /sbin/shutdown
/sbin/shutdown: symbolic link to /usr/bin/systemctl
# file /usr/bin/systemctl
/usr/bin/systemctl: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=560821bd4d7e30b9ffbcceb1c4be9c03516050f2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped
# systemctl --help | grep -A2 poweroff
  poweroff                            Shut down and power-off the system
  reboot                              Shut down and reboot the system
  kexec                               Shut down and reboot the system with kexec

Telinit 6 & init 6 are sysvinit methods of rebooting, as is shutdown, and have been adapted to the systemd environment. On my systems it’s done in a variation of this way:

# alias Reboot
alias Reboot='systemctl reboot '
# alias REboot
alias REboot='systemctl reboot '

KDE System settings - Hardware - Power management.

The power up/down behaviour of this machine has always been peculiar and I have been living with it for 4 or 5 years. When I first built it, I wanted to have an automated early morning backup regime in place so I put a timer on the wall socket to turn the power on at 0600 and set the motherboard clock to boot up at 0610 and Bacula to run a backup at 0620. I then discovered that using the motherboard clock to boot it didn’t work if the wall socket was switched off and on during the night. I complained to ASUS who then sent me a version of the BIOS that would honour the clock setting even if power went off overnight. I then found another peculiarity: if I ever had a USB drive plugged in then when I shut down the ruddy thing would immediately reboot again (even if the USB drive were removed first). I had to shut down twice before it would agree to stay off.

Anyway, I have found I can put up with the aforementioned mouse misbehaviour by shutting down and immediately using the power switch on the back of the machine then switching off the mouse and finally switching the “back of the machine switch” back on. After that I can switch the mouse back on and it doesn’t cause a boot up.

Oh I nearly forgot, when power is first applied to the machine, it starts to boot up, gets as far as displaying the BIOS options e.g. F2, F11 etc and then shuts off again.

…and thank you for all your replies. I have tried your suggestions but no joy I’m afraid. Next time I build a machine I will not use an ASUS mobo.