OpenSUSE on a 12" Powerbook G4

Hi, all.

I am currently an Ubuntu user who doesn’t like working in a non-PPC-supported environment. Does anyone have experience with a mac G4 laptop running OpenSUSE?

Ubuntu will not recognize my wireless apple keyboard, my wireless ethernet (only supported with a lot of handwaiving in the terminal), only has tenuous support for my video card, and is generally beginning to **** me off. Do the same problems afflict SUSE PPC users?

Thank you!

I have a little experience with a friend’s Intel Macbook Pro, but I thought there was a PPC edition of openSUSE…Packman even has a PPC repository. Are the differences too great to suit your needs?

There is a PowerPC version of Opensuse…I have not tried it due to my girlfriend’s unwillingness to part with her iBook. I suggest just trying it…Specifically…

Im sure you’ll still need to go to the Terminal for the Broadcom Card

Firewire support should be fine…

I don’t see a reason why the display and keyboard wouldn’t be recognized

Opensuse is actually pretty well known for their support of the PPC architecture, burn an .iso and go for it!

Good Luck!

I am running openSUSE 11.1 on my PowerPC iMac G5.

I’m using KDE4…loving it!

Linux is more work for newbies, like me, but more can be done in the long run.

My Two Cents,