hey, ive been using linux for about a year, most debian based distros. right now im taking a class and the teacher would like us to use SUSE or openSUSE 11.0
i just have one question, on a debian based distro, we use apt-get. what is the opsesuse equivalent?
> hey, ive been using linux for about a year,
most debian based distros.
> right now im taking a class and the teacher
would like us to use SUSE
> or openSUSE 11.0
> i just have one question, on a debian based
distro, we use apt-get.
> what is the opsesuse equivalent?
> thanks
zypper - if you go to distrowatch.org in a couple
of their weekly newsletters they discuss the
various packaging systems and their commands
(last 3-5 weeks or so), good intro and
explanation of commands.
openSuse 11.1 x64bit, KDE4.x Factory, Opera