opensuse newbie

hey, ive been using linux for about a year, most debian based distros. right now im taking a class and the teacher would like us to use SUSE or openSUSE 11.0

i just have one question, on a debian based distro, we use apt-get. what is the opsesuse equivalent?


Welcome :slight_smile: You can use a GUI YaST->Software->Software Management, or
from the command line it’s zypper eg;

sudo zypper in gcc

The other ones are ref for refresh, lu for list updates, up to apply
updates, se to search etc. See the man page for many more or have a
read here;

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.2 (i586) Kernel
up 10:25, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.08, 0.16
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME

kpholmes wrote:

> hey, ive been using linux for about a year,
most debian based distros.
> right now im taking a class and the teacher
would like us to use SUSE
> or openSUSE 11.0
> i just have one question, on a debian based
distro, we use apt-get.
> what is the opsesuse equivalent?
> thanks
zypper - if you go to in a couple
of their weekly newsletters they discuss the
various packaging systems and their commands
(last 3-5 weeks or so), good intro and
explanation of commands.

openSuse 11.1 x64bit, KDE4.x Factory, Opera

Your teacher has exquisite taste.
