Opensuse Leap 42.1 installation freezes randomly


I’m having some troubles with the installation of Opensuse leap 42.1. The screen keeps freezing every time I try to install. Mostly it freezes right from the start, when the green bar appears in the bottom of the screen, but there are times I can actually get past the desktop environment selection before it gets stuck. So it doesn’t freeze on an exact moment during the installation process, but rather randomly. I googled it and found a forum advising me to press f3 during installation startup, but even in this “text mode” the screen still froze.

I have no idea what i’m doing wrong (i don’t have a lot of experience in these matters). I wanted to install leap as a dual boot next to my windows 8.1 operating system. So I first did a clean install of windows 8.1 on a 30 gb partition of my ssd, intentionally leaving 80 gb of free space for leap to occupy.
I created a bootable usb as shown here:, I first tried the ‘ImageUSB’ program and then, after A LOT of frozen installation screens, i tried RMPrepUSB with same results.
ImageUSB did gave me an error, something like “Image file does not contain a valid checksum …”. But I couldnt figure out what that could possibly mean.
Next I tried to use another usb, but no luck, it had the exact same results. (I even tried an old external hdd, same results)

So, my laptop seems to be allergic to leap 42.1, even though some time ago I had suse 13.2 installed on it without any problems.
I would appreciate any advice :slight_smile:

my laptops specs:
Intel core i7 4710HQ
8gb RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 850m
120gb samsung ssd

Thanks in advance!

I have seen that type of symptom most often with a bad memory stick. I would start by checking RAM.

Could be memory but also the nouveau driver may be a bit raw for some NVIDIA cards. Try booting with a fall back driver. It looks like you have a OPtimus not book so you will need the bumblebee programs

at boot press e find line starting linux or linuxefe go to the true end of that line (it wraps) enter a space then nomodeset then press F10 to continue boot

Follow instructions here note you will have to adjust most instruction to the leap repos it does not look like any one has updated the bumblebee instructions yet

hi, thanks for the replies.

I tried the nomodeset solution and it fixed the freezing problems for my computer :slight_smile:
next I’ll try installing the bumblebee software but that shouldn’t be too hard …