I’m getting a freeze, keyboard,mouse, and everything else. I try to launch a terminal, kwrite, file manger, and/or firefox. Sooner or later the system freezes. Need help.
Also, i’m getting large number of error messages at boot.
I have had the same problem. Question: what video card do you use? If nVidia, I believe I have corrected it. Here is how I did it:
(1) did a memory check using the installation disk booted in non-EFI mode; (no errors, so memory not a problem)
(2) booted into Gnome and installed the nVidia drivers.
To do (2), add “nVidia” to repository (in community packages) and then went to Software management where I clicked on “extras” at the top and then selected “install all matching recommended packages” and clicked ‘okay’ when presented with selection.
On public computers now, my win system can’t access internet.
NVIDIA 500 series. I can’t launch/run anything. All I can do is click on dolphin, use delete, rename. I have about 1-2min before the system freezes. Not enough time to do anything useful. I got that first message off in about <2 mins before the system froze.
I can use the opensuse leap dvd to run an update install. The nvidia repo doesn’t show up. The rescue login is worthless. I can’t access any root directories.
I’m not sure what happened to you but yes there is a nasty bug in novou with plasma 5 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92077
it does not effect other desktops so you should be able to login to icewm and do your work there (you need to logout first before a freeze)
if not login to runlevel 3, how?
at grub hit the ‘e’ key and at the end of the line add the number 3 (you might need to undo this)
in runlevel 3 (text mode) add the nvidia repo and install the nvidia drivers
zypper ar -f ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/leap/42.1/ nvidia
zypper in x11-video-nvidiaG03
reboot (and remove the #3 from grub)
important if you are using a laptop with optimus config this will not work for that you need bumblebee!
if you can login in plasma do not edit the grub but do this:
hit the ctrl+alt+F1 key
login as root, enter the command
init 3
install nvidia as I wrote above, after nvidia is installed reboot by executing
Thanks all for the assistance. I tried the upgrade install (many times) to see if the bug fix would be included in the next update. On the upgrade install(DVD), I usually change ‘static’ IP to ‘dynamic’ IP. Update DVD internet works fine, all updates downloaded.
After I completed the update install and booted, I did ‘control-alt-f1’. I was able to login as root. I kept getting errors on the lines to enter. The system didn’t crash, but my internet on opensuse stopped working. I’v tried using the network setup in yast many times to no effect.
Opensuse leap is working normally, but internet is not working, for my next forum post.