I have OpenSuse 42.1 and from few days no have any new updates, this is end support this version?I must install 42.2?If yes I can do this without lost data? Is possible update from 42.1 to 42.2 or I must download .iso with 42.2 and install from them?
On Wed, 24 May 2017 15:56:01 +0000, trev79 wrote:
> I have OpenSuse 42.1 and from few days no have any new updates, this is
> end support this version?I must install 42.2?If yes I can do this
> without lost data? Is possible update from 42.1 to 42.2 or I must
> download .iso with 42.2 and install from them?
Yes, 42.1 went end of life on May 17.
I just upgraded 2 systems to 42.2 using the installation media - it went
really smoothly.
https://en.opensuse.org/Upgrade has other options as well. I’ve only
ever used the installation media to do an upgrade, and it’s never given
me trouble.
Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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