Opensuse Leap 15 mailserver


I installed Opensuse leap 15 to challenge my brain… :slight_smile:

Im kind of new to Linux, and Im trying to set up a mailserver.
I have my own domain, and MX record is pointing the right direction. :slight_smile:

The ftp and http service is working all good.

Right now I just want mailserver to work, in and out.
So far I get errors about security etc when i try to log in.

Is there, somewhere, just a lesson to set up the basics?
A link or something…? Been struggling with this for weeks.


Hi, welcome to these forums

How did you install / setup the mailserver?

Hi. :slight_smile:

I installed it this time (after 10-20 reinstalles) with the Custom install.
The fun thing is that everything is working perfect… Except mailserver.

What is the secret behind mail server setup? :slight_smile:

Looking for a simple setup that works, so I can work myself from there. :slight_smile:

Roald - (sorry by bad English, Im from Norway)

Telling what mail server program you actually installed would be the first step.

Yes, I guess that would help… :slight_smile:

As far I I know, its Yast2, Mail Server, Postfix and Dovecot.

Been changing a lot of *.conf files to try to find a solution. No luck.

As I said, been reinstalling plenty of times. And… Sometimes I can send and not recieve. And then the opposite after next reinstall.

My setup is very basic i guess.
Ports 22,25,80,110,143 are open. (
There is nothing to hack here sofare,… Its just a testpage. :slight_smile:

What kind of info do you need to help me furder?


I haven’t looked at the default mailserver set up by YaST in quite awhile, but AFAIK it’s likely little if anything significant has changed.

You’ll have to be very specific about what errors you’re getting and what action preceded causing the error.
Anything less won’t enable others to identify the problem for you.

In some ways a mail server is fairly basic, but in many ways it also requires a great many configuration settings that have to be correct.
The inbound mail server part usually requires SMTP in and then a client connects using either the POP3 or IMAP protocol.
Are you saying you have problems connecting with a mail client? You’d have to specify the mail client and its settings.
Are you saying you can’t send mail to your mail server? A start would be to verify your DNS and MX records are set corrrectly.
Are you saying you can’t logon as a Mail Administrator or view whether there is anything in a mail box or queue?

Outbound mail should be considered separately.
Separate from the inbound mail server (likely mailman), you have an outbound mail server, likely Postfix.
Similar to the questions about inbound mail, you have to describe what your error is when you try to send outbound mail.

Bottom line,
You need to be more specific about your errors.

And, although I don’t think a simple “YaST Mail Server How-To” exists,
If you search the oepnSUSE Reference documentation at the following link for the word “mail” you should get a number of useful items like how to display your mail server configuration, how to set up your DNS MX record and more