I’ve tried to install openSUSE Leap 15 on 2 notebooks one failed twice :
**The first one is 100% OK : **
ACER ASPIREone D255E 10" with 500 Go SSD Trial Boot Windows10 / FEDORA 29 / openSUSE Leap 15 ( MBR ) for job.
**The second has The Root ( 100Go ! ) Disk Full… **
Asus x541 17" Dual Boot Windows 10 / openSUSE Leap 15 ( MBR ) only for fun.
**I’ve a special way to install Softwares on Linux : **
- First I selected Packman, etc… repositories via YaST2,
- Then I install ‘manually’ Visual Studio CODE, PowerSell 6.0 and Google Chrome from terminal,
- Then I use only one single terminal command for installing all
the other desired software included ~20 Go of Games.
( This is my Copy/Paste/ENTER/y & Go to Bed philosophy lol!..)
On the next morning :
- The installation on the Acer was finished OK,
- The installation on the Asus was stopped due to … 100 Go Root Disk Full which this is quite impossible to imagine.
I alwa****ys create 4 partitions :
- 1 Go for MBR or UEFI,
- 2 time RAM size for Swap = 17 Go in this case,
- 90 to 100 Go for Root, 100Go in Btrfs in this case,
- 50 to 200 Go & sup for Home in ext4.
These same Commands has been successful on :
- This Notebook for FEDORA 29 installation ( *dnf -y instead of zypper *
) - The ASPIRE Notebook for both openSUSE & fedora 29 installations…
**I tried to use snapper to fix that problem :
**I’ve deleted 16 of the 18 snapshots but it changed nothing.
**I tried to use zypper clean :
**it did cleaned repo but it changed nothing…
I changed the Disk :
I thought that it was may be the 1To HDD disk which was faulty.
I replaced it by a brand new 500Go SSD disk and I made again the Full Windows 10 & openSUSE Leap 15 installations this time without enabling snapper :
I have the same Issue with the new SSD disk : I’ve again 100Go Root Disk Full …
Can you help me to troubleshoot that PB ?
Best regards.
For info :
Desktop Gnome X11 ( + DashToDock extension to have a UNITY like User Experience )
The Commands used are the following :
( some software are not installed as they are not present in openSUSE repos but it generates only a warning and step next )**zypper install easytag puddletag fbreader chromium terminator htop fritzing python python-idle python-tk python2-pip python2-pyserial python2-pycodestyle python3 python3-idle python3-tools python3-tk python3-pip python3-pyserial python3-pycodestyle spyder python3-spyder geany ninja-ide telnet vlc vlc-codecs playonlinux q4wine winetricks urbanterror worldofpadman alienarena darkplaces nexuiz redeclipse tremulous openarena teeworlds tmw freedroidrpg freedink wesnoth freecol freeciv lordsawar scorched3d warmux hedgewars megaglest netpanzer widelands openttd lincity-ng vegastrike FlightGear gl-117 sar2 chromium-bsu glaxium vdrift ultimatestunts torcs speed-dreams armacycles-ad extremetuxracer supertuxkart freetennis bolzplatz2006 pokerth plee-the-bear supertux frozen-bubble zaz amoebax tuxtype2 0ad bzflag endless-sky frozen-bubble gnome-nibbles lbreakout2 neverball ninvaders pacman quadrapassel supertuxkart aisleriot cockatrice gnome-mahjongg gnome-2048 gnome-mines gnome-sudoku gnome-tetravex gweled kanagram lightsoff puzzles simsu bovo dreamchess four-in-a-row freeciv freeorion gnome-chess gnubg gnuchess gnugo hedgewars openttd pingus uqm warzone2100 wesnoth widelands xboard mrrescue supertux astromenace blinken chocolate-doom dhewm3 lugaru naev openclonk pioneer redeclipse xonotic freedroidrpg openmw steam bomber