openSUSE kills command-completion in Grub???

I’ve just noticed this issue when I was trying to fine-tune my Grub installation, so I can’t say if this has been there from the first day or got screwed sometime later. Fact is: on my localized (Slovenian) OS11.0 installation, when I get into the Grub console (be it in a virtual terminal or in a windowed session, be it as user or as root), my cursor keys output some garbage like ^A or ^B or ^C or ^D instead of invoking command history and command-line completion. Has anyone else noticed that? To me, command history and command-line completion seems quite essential in Grub.
Also, maybe unrelated to this, I can only access Slovenian characters when in a windowed terminal, whereas in a virtual console the characters I get are from another --presumably US – character map. Both the KDE localization module and the YaST keyboard module are set correctly and both do recognize Slovenian characters.

Bumper, anyone?