In a roundup of KDE4 implementations in LinuxFormat 126, openSUSE gets top spot ‘it’s a distribution that’s got the professional sheen and gloss that only Novell can bring, and it’s a distribution that always manages to bundle a cutting-edge KDE installation that will last you the full nine [sic] months of the distribution cycle.’
I just read this myself last night, really good review, here are some quotes:
- ‘The best looking Desktop’
- ‘A professional sheen and gloss that only Novell can bring’
- ‘Forget Brown and Blue - Green is the New Colour for Your Desktop’
- ‘openSUSE is the Best Looking Distribution we’ve looked at’
- ‘The most Beautiful KDE Desktop available from a standard Distribution’
- ‘openSUSE has Jumped to KDE as the default Desktop’
Welldone lizard, you are doing great job now.
It is really a very informative and helpful review for openSUSE specially for 11.2 going to storm the yard soon.
kongrats to the lizards.