I am sorry if I missed this information somewhere else but could someone tell me if there are any plans to do a 11.4 “reloaded” installable live CD? I remember seeing these in the past for some major KDE releases.
If there are no plans for a 11.4 CD with KDE 4.7 then I have a couple questions, would it be best to install the regular 11.4 with KDE and zypper dup to the KR47 repo, or would I be better served doing a minimal install (no KDE) then add the KR47 repo and install the KDE desktop?
Thanks. Good to know the upgrade is smooth. I was curious if anyone had just installed KDE 4.7 without installing KDE 4.6 first. Maybe if I get some time I will try a minimal X install, add the KDE47 repo, then do a zypper pattern to install KDE 4.7.
I read that post and was slightly confused.
Adding Factory Tested is going out on a limb. I think perhaps you might be slightly confused yourself over the various options open to you.
Release 47 is a repo dedicated to kde4.7 and would typically be used with a stable release of openSUSE.
Perhaps you should post your repos ( zypper lr - d )
And tell us exactly what you want. Eg: I want to wing it and get the latest and greatest of everything, regardless of the consequences.
Or: I want a Stable system that is as up to date as it can be within the term ‘Stable’
Sorry for the confusion. For 12.1 MS releases, I want the most up-to-date, with calculated risks accepted. However, for 11.4, I want a stable system that is reasonably up-to-date. Both 11.4 and 12.1M3 are on the same box but in different partitions.
I am replying to this message from 12.1M3. Here’s the output of zypper lr -d:
That will keep you in line with development. But you may at times have to be patient. Updating from it can be tricky as it’s very fluid. But as the development progresses, you will move on with it, with generally no need to install each Milestone (unless you want to), because your system will update as apply updates. You can add factory packman, if you need mmedia, but that’s all I do.
I typically have this going most of the time. I should tell you, I usually use a stable OS to manage grub, with a configfile entry for the Milestone release.
Thank you for your words of wisdom and experience! I did sort out the problems with 11.3 M3 by keeping just the two factory repos you suggested, and got KDE4.7 in the process. Because I multiboot Windows 7 with openSUSE 11.4 as default or Grub-controlling OS, I would appreciate if you could show me the boot stanza or configfile stanza for 12.1 M3. Shouldn’t be too different from Fedora’s.