"opensuse firefox extensions"...??


is anyone able to tell me what the “opensuse firefox extensions” is or are?
and what does it mean by “desktop integration”?

outside of its listing in my firefox addons, i am not sure if i am aware of its actual functioning presence…

…i ask because something is freezing/crashing my system from time to time.
it’s happened variously with firefox, dolphin, and ktorrent, as well pulling up my autohidden panel…sometimes they’ll do it on their own, or, for instance, when i try to open firefox or dolphin while running ktorrent. this has happened more than a few times, but it has frozen under a few other circumstances besides these mentioned.

…ok. i really am just wondering about the firefox extensions, but any help with the freezing issue is greatly appreciated.

thanks, people

Hello sabaka,

is anyone able to tell me what the “opensuse firefox extensions” is or are?
and what does it mean by “desktop integration”?
I’m also wondering what it could be.
So I searched for it and found this link.

but any help with the freezing issue is greatly appreciated.
We can only help you when you give us more information.
For example your openSUSE version. If you are using KDE or GNOME.

Good luck!:wink:

thanks for the link…it did, yet somehow did not, explain.

…as for the other issue.
i’m running 11.2 and kde 4.3.
the issue happens seemingly randomly. it happens most often in the situations mentioned, but also under other circumstances less often.

i haven’t yet learned all of the mysteries of cli, so i would need to be helped getting any relevant info there…

Hello sabaka,

thanks for the link…it did, yet somehow did not, explain.
It has something to do with installing plug-ins.
I think it installs them from the repositories instead of external sites.

i haven’t yet learned all of the mysteries of cli, so i would need to be helped getting any relevant info there…
We don’t need the CLI yet.
Maybe the freezing/crashing is caused by the Xserver.
All the Xserver errors are stored in the file “/home/<USER>/.xsession-errors”.
If you could post the content of the file “.xsession-errors”.

Open a file browser and go to your home folder.
The dot in front of “.xsession-errors” means that it is hidden.
To make it visible either use ALT+. or go to View->Show hidden files.

Best of luck!:wink:

hey, man…that thing is a gajillion lines long.

the next time the incident happens i will post that most recent portion…
i’m sure it will happen soon enough.

to be continued
(cue suspenseful outro music)

Hello sabaka,

hey, man…that thing is a gajillion lines long.
That is very strange.
Because the file is rewritten every time you start an Xserver.

the next time the incident happens i will post that most recent portion…
i’m sure it will happen soon enough.
I think it would be helpful if you post the end bit already.
And the next time it happens you need to do the following:

  1. Reboot your computer. In Grub enter a 3 in the boot options. This will boot openSUSE in text mode.
  2. Login with your account.
  3. Run this command to copy the .xsession-errors file:
cp ./.xsession-errors ./xsession-errors.BU
  1. Run the command
init 5

This will start an Xserver.

Now you have a file called “xsession-errors.BU”.
Try posting it. If it is to long please post the end.

Best of luck!:wink: