OpenSuse Fedora Mulitboot

Hi there

I currently have Fedora 8 installed but I would like to try OpenSuse. I would like to use a multiboot config using Fedora’s grub. When I am installing openSuse at the Installation Settings stage which of the Boot loader locations should I choose? I intend to manually add OPenSuse to the Fedora grub config. Could someone help me out with this.



Select SuSE’s own root partition to install Grub. Then, if you want it to work really hassle free, chainload the partition from your Fedora menu.lst. Thus, even when the SuSE kernel gets updated, you don’t have any additional editing to do: SuSE will update its own menu.lst and Fedora will simply chainload it as before.
Good luck;)
P.S. Don’t let OpenSuSE overwrite your MBR (although I don’t think it will try to if you set it up as I suggested).

Thanks Ill give it a try.

