First of all, I think that the transition of Factory to a somewhat tested rolling release is a very exciting move by openSUSE! Thanks a lot for giving us this option.
This begs for comparison with Arch, which is currently what many would consider to be the most successfully executed rolling release. What level of stability and/or breakage can we expect from openSUSE Factory compared to Arch? And what about frequency of updates?
Has any thought been given to delta updates for Factory? That would be WONDERFUL for users who have slower or bandwidth-limited internet.
What will happen to Factory users running proprietary Radeon Catalyst or proprietary Nvidia drivers as the kernel and xorg stack get frequently updated?
I have an old laptop that I use only a couple of times a year for traveling. The rest of the time it sits in storage. Would openSUSE Factory break if I only applied updates every 6 or 12 months?
Thanks a lot!