OpenSUSE distro update issues

Just wanted to share a recurring problem that I have with OpenSUSE, nouveau and nvidia proprietary drivers.
Every time I want to do a distro upgrade this becomes an issue. I run the proprietary drivers, because well, they’re just
better for my use cases. As such when I go to do a distro upgrade, the latest example, from 42.3 to leap 15 I am presented with
the lovely, Mesa requires libdrm_nouveau…blah blah blah. As I blacklist and lock nouveau from ever intruding into my configuration,
I am now given options to deinstall Mesa, keep obsolete Mesa, Remove the lock from nouveau or Ignore and break Mesa.
None of these are really tolerable. Can there not be a way to say, “I see you are using proprietary drivers…, the following is suggested”

As it is I will have to remove the lock, install nouveau, perform the distro upgrade and then put it all back together.
Just seems like we can do better.

Have you tried the preferred FOSS solution? It’s not old tech (manufacturer-specific) nouveau. It’s newer tech (generic) modesetting. Try not installing xf86-video-nouveau, not installing Mesa-dri-nouveau, not blacklisting anything, and not disturbing the defaults in /etc/X11. It certainly works for me.

When you do a upgrade with NVIDIA installed best to uninstall it since The NVIDIA driver is not upgraded with the rest