There has been a while since I saw a post about it in the news section. What happened to openSUSE Argon and Krypton? Aren’t they available anymore?
They still exist.
The isos are available at “” and some of them have recent time stamps (yesterday or today).
I have krypton installed (in a spare partition on one box). I update that whenever there’s a Tumbleweed update. It is mostly running well.
And how abput using openSUSE Argon (based on Leap, right?) for everyday use? Would that be recommended?
I wouldn’t. But it is always a choice.
Yes, Argon is based on Leap.
I’m still using Leap here. If you had asked me 4 months ago, I would have guessed that I would be on Tumbleweed. But I don’t like “akregator5”, and Leap still has “akregator4”.
With “akregator4”, there’s a place where I can choose to see “all articles” or only “unread articles” or only articles that I have marked as “important”. That choice doesn’t currently exist in “akregator5”. I hope it will return. The lack of that option is a serious problem with how I am using “akregator”.
I am actually changing between leap and tumbleweed all the time…