I have a server running opensuse and apache2. i need to find out how to edit (add/remove) files to and from my server remotely, not in the same network as the server is in. thanks
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nfs? ssh (scp)? ftp? Transferring files is not going to be any
different based on the application (Apache). Adding/removing files will
be done via some kind of protocol for transferring files (see above).
Editing them can be done by accessing the media and modifying them with
a text editor. You need to access the server’s environment somehow to
do this. Is there something specifically you need to do or a problem
you are trying to overcome?
Good luck.
puckrat3 wrote:
> I have a server running opensuse and apache2. i need to find out how to
> edit (add/remove) files to and from my server remotely, not in the same
> network as the server is in. thanks
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There isn’t much of a problem except for not knowing anything about linux and needing to add and remove files using FTP. i installed FTP on the server, but i cant find where to open it to set it up, i have been searching everywhere but i cant seen to find it. I am very new to opensuse, i have a very small knowledge with kubuntu. my friend helped me start the server, just until it worked, but now he just left me in the open and wont help me at all.
Ok, i figured out where the program was, configured it, but i cant seem to figure out how to add or remove files from it from a remote computer. thanks.
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Which ‘program’ were you referring to here? By default SUSE has SSH
setup, so I would definitely recommend using that. Open the SSH port in
the firewall (TCP/22) and connect with your username/password with your
favorite scp tool. Not knowing your client I’ll assume you have windows
somewhere areound (sorry about that) and recommend WinSCP as a good
piece of freeware you will soon learn to love. When you are running
*nix/Mac/anythingElse you will have an SCP client built into your box,
but for now at least WinSCP can get you where you need to be. WinSSCP
is a graphical tool to let you copy files between boxes like any decent
FTP client, support drag/drop as I recall, lets you see both boxes
(client and server) simultaneously, etc. You will need to make sure you
have rights to the directory from which Apache is serving pages
(/srv/www/htdocs is the default) so be sure to give your user rights
there. You can then drop files directly anywhere you have rights for
the web server to serve to web clients.
Good luck.
puckrat3 wrote:
> Ok, i figured out where the program was, configured it, but i cant seem
> to figure out how to add or remove files from it from a remote computer.
> thanks.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org